Sign the roster!

Mar 05, 2011 19:48

Welcome to Pirates of the Caribbean Land!
We are not currently accepting applications.
Round One begins on Monday, March 14, 2011!

Aye, avast! I'm sure several of you are eager to join this community and start participating in the games and challenges right away, but first you must read the rules and fill out an application. Please read everything before posting your application! Thank you!

The Pirates of the Caribbean Land Code

1. You must know how to use LiveJournal to be a member here. This community will probably take some getting used to for even the most adept LJ veterans, let alone new members. To be safe, your LiveJournal account should be at least 1 month old and it must be used on at least a semi-regular basis. If you're not active on LJ, then how do we know you'll be active here?

2. You must participate in at least one activity in every two week period. Remember, your crew needs you!

3. Please at least be semi-literate. Chatspeak and other similar things to it are very annoying and can be misunderstood, or not understood at all. Make an attempt to be understood. Savvy?

4. Spam is not tolerated at the team communities or the Tortuga community. In this community, entries will only be made by myself or with my permission. For the team communities entries are allowed by any member of the team, and for potc_tortuga entries can be made but must be approved by a moderator. When you make a post at your team community or in Tortuga, please use your judgment on whether or not it is spam.

5. Please treat each other with respect! We may be devils, and black sheep, and really bad eggs; we may love different characters and different ships; but at the end of the day, we are all here to have fun. Please do not bash any of your fellow members, on your own team or on others. Competition is encouraged. Hostility is not.

6. Please do not bash characters or ships in your entries or anywhere. It's okay not to like characters or ships, but please respect those who may like them by trying to remain indifferent to them rather than hateful.

7. Just have fun! This is meant to be for fun and should not be overly stressful. If you find yourself getting stressed out because there are too many contests, just don't do everything. Sometimes a lot will be going on--nobody's going to blame you if you can't keep up with it all.

What crew will you serve?
There are three teams to choose from at Pirates of the Caribbean Land. You may choose to join the crew of Team Black Pearl, Team Flyng Dutchman, or Team Interceptor. In the interest of having fairly even teams, it is asked that players be willing to accept a second choice.

Rules for filling out an application:

1. Please fill out all of the questions. Team choices are: Team Black Pearl, Team Flyng Dutchman, or Team Interceptor.

2. Your LJ should be 1 month old. If you have created a new journal then I may make an exception, but you must show signs of being able to navigate LiveJournal.

3. When you are placed in your team and accepted to the community you will be invited to join both this and the team community. Please accept your invitations!

4. Please make sure you have read the rules of the game. If you feel uncertain about something, you are welcome to ask questions. Yes, they are rules, not guidelines. :)

Participation is imperative in this community. You can't just sit idly on a team and watch the competition. You have to be a part of it.

Post your applications here!

+application, +rules

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