Title: Of Tales and Dreams Author: postingwhore Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Ron/Luna Summary: Luna doesn't think she or Ron is really real. Rating: G Category: General Disclaimer: We all know R/Hr will become canon, so this fic (which kills R/Hr, oh, woe is me) cannot possibly be real. Notes: For 15minuteficlets and meemobunny.
It makes me extremely unhappy that after all the effort that I put into my application for TAMS, my fucking English teacher still hasn't sent her recommendation in. And I gave it to her in what, DECEMBER?
Title: Walk Lightly Author: postingwhore Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Draco/Voldemort Summary: Draco has been walking lightly lately. Voldemort has noticed. Rating: PG Category: General Disclaimer: Do you see fangirls friending me? No. That means I cannot be anyone famous. Notes: Drabble for berne.
Oh, by the way, reila and cypress_vine, could you two have that fic I sent you guys betated in the near future? (As in before February? Or really, before the end of next week? Or actually, before the end of this week?)
Title: Gray Author: postingwhore Pairing: Draco/Blaise Summary: A calm conversation between two men as the final battle takes place. Rating: G Category: General Disclaimer: If they were mine, I'd already be making money off of this.