Title: Of Tales and Dreams
postingwhoreFandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Ron/Luna
Summary: Luna doesn't think she or Ron is really real.
Rating: G
Category: General
Disclaimer: We all know R/Hr will become canon, so this fic (which kills R/Hr, oh, woe is me) cannot possibly be real.
Notes: For
15minuteficlets and
Everyone thinks that Luna is misdirected. They laugh at her, whisper about her behind her back, take her stuff, insult her, but Luna never really cares. They all think that The Quibbler's nonsense, but she knows that it's true, and that's good enough.
Luna has had a strange fascination for Ronald Weasley ever since she first saw him. People laugh at her for believing in The Quibbler's "rubbish", but she wonders why they can't see that he's almost exactly like the stereotypical sidekick. He's immensely loyal, very rash, provides comic relief, a bit thick at times, and becomes jealous, sometimes, of the hero, Harry. Luna sees Ron in striking contrast with everyone else, like he has a thick black border around him, and she thinks that his need to belong in some novel almost hurts.
She knows that he thinks she's weird, but Luna can't seem to care. She doesn't think he's really real (How can he be?), and she thinks he would belong better in some sort of heroic ballad, kind of like she would in some sort of fantasy. Luna doesn't think she's really real, either.
When they start dating, Luna isn't really surprised. After all, the hero always gets the heroine while the sidekick finds some other damsel who helps them along the way, and Luna thinks that Ron must be some sort of fairytale character brought to life.
She doesn't really mind, though, because Luna thinks that she herself is a figment of a dream made real.
Title: His Own Game
postingwhorePairing: Yami/Yuugi
Summary: Yami lives for his game.
Rating: PG
Category: General
Disclaimer: Japanese man owns it. I'm not a transvestite.
Notes: For
15minuteficlets. As this is my first non-Seto/Mokuba Yuugiou fic, I'm hoping that it doesn't suck ass.
Yami lives for games. He loves the feeling of victory in his veins when he triumphs over yet another opponent. And Yami always wins; he is the King of Games, after all.
He really plays the games for one single reason: his own game. Yami lives for his own game, so innocent and shy and sweet and willing.
He didn't always know, of course. After first, Yami played games for vengeance, and then, he played games to compete for something or other. Somewhere in there, he discovered that he has his own game. He lives inside his own game.
Yami treasures Yuugi. He protects him like a priceless game, loves him like a game he's addicted to and can't get let go of, so much that his heart hurts, and his game is so so beautiful and perfect and loves him back and lets Yami do almost anything within reason to him. Yami thinks he has found the perfect game.
But Yuugi learns and grows, unlike any other game Yami has seen before, and Yami thinks that one day, Yuugi will become too hard for him, and Yami will lose his precious game. But until then, he lives for his game, his Yuugi.
Title: Toxic
postingwhorePairing: Lucius/Severus
Summary: Lucius can't resist the dark.
Rating: PG-13
Category: General
Disclaimer: I have as much money as a dog has kittens.
Notes: Post-MWPP era. For
Lucius tires of light. He tires of his own name, Latin for "light", and he tires of his fair hair and even lighter skin. He tires of perfect, cold Narcissa with her ivory skin and white-blonde hair, and he tires of those people on the side of "light", who always win.
Lucius can't resist the dark. When the Dark Lord beckons him, he joins to feel the darkness of corrupt power and lies wrap around him like a second skin, comforting and smooth. He joins to live at night, to bring darkness into other people's lives by using their precious light against them.
When Severus Snape kisses him one night after another mass murdering of Muggles, Lucius welcomes it. He has always been fascinated by Severus, with his dark hair and eyes and background and demeanor, and he lets the darkness run through him and into him and around him and tangles with it and within it. Lucius isn't surprised when sex with Severus feels better than anything he has ever done with Narcissa. He has always loved the dark, after all.
Happy Birthday,
I had the most inane urge to type my name as posingwhore. Oh dear God.