Angry Rant About What's Wrong With The Men (and women) In Austin:

Oct 26, 2007 12:39

Since Vic and I broke it off, I've been a bit lonely. I don't want to jump into anything with anyone though, and I'm beginning to think that women in Austin don't know how to raise their boys right. Or maybe it's the lack of single attractive men ( Read more... )

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Comments 15

solractwin October 26 2007, 18:28:13 UTC
You are absolutely right, and I believe this topic should be discussed more often.

I love plenty of those guys, but a lot of people I know are just boys in men's bodies. I know from personal experience, because I was very immature for most of my 20's.

Unfortunately you're also right about the women, and the fact that they perpetuate this by rewarding the boys. There are real men in our community and in Austin. But for some reason the boys get more p**sy.

Men will act like men when it's the only way to get what they want. I only started acting like one when my goals changed from chasing tail to starting a family. It took a few years of acting before I felt like I actually became a man.

BTW -- I loved seeing you at Maker Faire. I really appreciate your art and my daughter did too.


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post_pedestal October 26 2007, 20:02:24 UTC
Exactly, but not just that, men stopped being men when women started being lonely and desperate enough to sleep with them anyway, and feed them, and let them move in with them, and allowed them to be deadbeats. I believe that if more women networked and created stronger ties and friendships, I think that not only would it increase women's ability to achieve career success, but it would stave off the loneliness so that men would have to put more energy into attracting a woman's attention. Everyone needs love and closeness, but settling for a Peter Pan because you're just not finding a Prince Charming is only perpetuating the problem.

I'm not innocent in this either, and I don't think any woman could claim to be.


capsaicinoid October 26 2007, 20:54:26 UTC
"I'm not innocent in this either, and I don't think any woman could claim to be."

thank you for acknowledging responsibility in the equation.

i'm reminded of a saying: "people will give you as much shit as you allow them to." or something to that effect.

don't blame the guy for breeching your integrity if you're letting it happen. your boundaries are yours to establish and maintain.


capsaicinoid October 26 2007, 21:21:33 UTC
"Very Generalized, Don't take it too much to heart ( ... )


post_pedestal October 26 2007, 22:20:42 UTC
We'll talk about this later tonight, but I do want to say that I compare men to one another. Exes, current boys, crushes, boys my friends are dating even(those not because they're possibilities because I don't date friends exes without my friends permission, but to see the kinds of sweet things the guy does for my friend, and my desire to have a sweet guy like that someday). This doesn't make me a player, it makes me a discerning female who isn't willing to settle for less than what I want in a mate, to help raise my children as well balanced adults. I very well may be looking for a unicorn, but I refuse to give up this search. Comparing compatibility levels is a completely rational thing to do.

If guys date girls because they are fun, sexy, interesting... I guess I'm SOL on finding a mate, mainly because I'm pretty agro and love arguing. I guess Vic was right when he said that he was the only guy who'd be able to "put up with me", Huh?


post_pedestal October 26 2007, 22:49:04 UTC
"I'm pretty agro and love arguing"

I should have said, "I'm opinionated and love a good debate."


hazzmatt October 30 2007, 04:49:09 UTC
huh, that is strange I always thought you were fun, sexy and interesting.


fulguritus October 26 2007, 22:39:56 UTC
Sounds like a tough group of friends to deal with.

My experience has been different with men. Though I see the behavior you are talking about. I avoid that shit like the plague. I don't have time for that and I won't play those games. I don't hang out with women like that either. That's why for a very long time I had only a handful of women friends. I've found that there are much better women and men out there. I refuse to settle.

You are worth a good man, and good friends. Don't settle, my darling.


the_last_muse October 27 2007, 05:01:04 UTC
Thank you! You just saved me a lot of experiance has probably been much like yours, and what you told Dom is almost exactly what I was planning on saying! Hurray!!!


real men luxzia October 27 2007, 07:56:14 UTC
Austin is full of turds. Really. I give up on guys there; idiotic children who, as you say, want to do nothing but smoke pot and act like they are 20 forever (which is really really sad when they are past forty).

So, to say, I understand completely. I know a couple of decent grown men in Austin who aren't married, but one is gay and the other is my ex-boyfriend.


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