Characters: Sam Kennerly, Seamus Finnigan, Cho Weasley
Location: The Junk Shop --- Diagon Alley
Date: July 28, 2000
Status/Warning: Closed/Angst like WOAH
Summary: Sam finally learns the truth and runs into the worst possible person.
Completion: Incomplete
And oh, my boy, you're so so coy / Let's just pretend that nothing's broken. )
Comments 27
Seamus sighed audibly, wiping sweat from his brow. "Well, feck that shite."
"Are you alright?" A more easily answered question by far. At least Sam hoped. "Want me to take over?" The other front shelf was already emptied and packed away, waiting to be filled with other things.
Then a good-natured grin. He waved Sam away good-naturedly. "Dunno. Think it's time for a break, then? If I ain't workin' on our shift seems only fair you wouldn't. Fair coworkin' an' all. We been left the display to change is all, really -- shite back there can wait till Wednesday even. Probably."
So of course that was when a customer entered. A rather...nervous, customer, in fact. That in and of itself wasn't strange--the shop thrived on strange--but this was the kind of strange that seemed to come from someone who was mindlessly terrified and trying (failing) to conceal it.
"Ex...Excuse me, but, can you help me?"
Sam smiled. "Er, what were you looking for today, sir?"
A set of spooked, yet somehow incredulous eyes strained on Sam. The man was small and wirey; almost struck Sam as a shut-in, perhaps because he was so so close to being one himself.
"Silver fire poker maybe? Or a knife, you sell knives?" The man asked, wringing his hands and scanning the walls as if searching for something.
"What do you need--nevermind. Sea, I need the key to the front case."
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