Characters: Sam Kennerly, Seamus Finnigan, Cho Weasley
Location: The Junk Shop --- Diagon Alley
Date: July 28, 2000
Status/Warning: Closed/Angst like WOAH
Summary: Sam finally learns the truth and runs into the worst possible person.
Completion: Incomplete
And oh, my boy, you're so so coy / Let's just pretend that nothing's broken. )
Seamus sighed audibly, wiping sweat from his brow. "Well, feck that shite."
"Are you alright?" A more easily answered question by far. At least Sam hoped. "Want me to take over?" The other front shelf was already emptied and packed away, waiting to be filled with other things.
Then a good-natured grin. He waved Sam away good-naturedly. "Dunno. Think it's time for a break, then? If I ain't workin' on our shift seems only fair you wouldn't. Fair coworkin' an' all. We been left the display to change is all, really -- shite back there can wait till Wednesday even. Probably."
So of course that was when a customer entered. A rather...nervous, customer, in fact. That in and of itself wasn't strange--the shop thrived on strange--but this was the kind of strange that seemed to come from someone who was mindlessly terrified and trying (failing) to conceal it.
"Ex...Excuse me, but, can you help me?"
Sam smiled. "Er, what were you looking for today, sir?"
A set of spooked, yet somehow incredulous eyes strained on Sam. The man was small and wirey; almost struck Sam as a shut-in, perhaps because he was so so close to being one himself.
"Silver fire poker maybe? Or a knife, you sell knives?" The man asked, wringing his hands and scanning the walls as if searching for something.
"What do you need--nevermind. Sea, I need the key to the front case."
It was the syllables that came a few beats later that made Sam drop the key as he was handing it back to Sea. 'least he's dead,' the words sounded so strange now that Sam was finally hearing them allowed and not in his own, guilt ravaged head--usually followed by the sentiments 'if only I've been stronger!' or 'If only I'd really looked!
But of course, of course, it was in front of him the whole the stammering man in front of him, in the crumbled brick and the temporary library. About the fact that no one talked about it because really, how could anyone bear to really think about what Fenrir had believed in? What he'd died for?
Sam had, of course, and that alone welled the first horrible sob in his throat, breaking the terrible reverie he'd entered. 'No, no! It can't be ( ... )
Sam felt the air slam out of his lungs again, as if the shadow of the man, the werewolf were right there.
"You..." Sam started, having nothing to say to this woman, nothing that would change anything, or heal the scars that no one saw but her, ever time he looked in the mirror. They were his scars too, of course.
Possessed by some nameless desire to be close to her, Sam shuffled forward, one hand reaching tenuously towards her, as though he were drowning and not sure he wanted to be saved. "I didn't know." Sam didn't know anything. Nothing at all.
If they had been alone, Cho would have screamed it; but as it was the crowd still swelled around them, and she was surrounded by strangers, and the only person she recognised -- could name, because this was the Sam she'd thought of sometimes after running from him, shy of predators -- and all she could really do was mumble brokenly, even thoughtlessly. It was a long moment of his hand hanging between them; perhaps they appeared as old friends. But then it was really only a short moment after all, and Cho's fingers went to her wand; her expression shifted, boiling, and all at once twisted angrily. With it her mouth grew sharp -- and it shook for a moment, wavering, but there was something pressing at her throat and temples and after a breath or so she realised it was fury.
She didn't care if Sam didn't know anything. She hadn't had anyone to blame before -- she hadn't been able to blame him, because he'd been so helpless -- but with an apology was opportunity to decline. It was a glorious moment of wanting to ( ... )
But...but Fenrir helped him, saved his life...even if he had been the 'werewolf' that killed everyone aboard The Gallagher he'd spared Sam...saved his life probably, from dying at sea. And maybe, maybe rather than abandoning him because he was useless, Fenrir had not wanted Sam caught up in all that chaos. Yes, that had to be it, Fenrir had protected Sam from his own evil.
Sam didn't reach out again, but forced himself to stand straight; wipe at his eye, futile though it was. "I didn't know...please, please, just try..." Try to what? Believe? Forgive him? Sam wanted and deserved neither. "I never meant, never..."
By now they were getting curious looks from passersby; but for once, for the first time in a long while, she found she did not care at all what they thought of her behavior. It was hardly reckless to be angry here, or ball her fists -- even if only to wipe a frustrated tear from her eye a moment later -- and she deserved to take a tone, allow her eyes to harden further. She could not remember being this angry in a very long time; not even at herself, or her hands, or the inability to feel human again. It was difficult to know what to do with all of it. It was difficult to do much of anything for a moment but fume, and quiver with the weight of it. She breathed heavily for a moment -- in, out, audible disbelief -- and met his eyes with every inch of December left, because there was December in everything still. Your fault. It would take years to melt it all away; Cho hadn't cried quite enough yet. Difficult to believe. She had trouble with too much; when it was too much she did things ( ... )
"Me too." He managed to reply, terror still dominant in his eyes as he backed away from her and dashed off again. The thing welling in his gut wouldn't stay there much longer, but he needed to get away from people to let it loose.
There was a moment she could not move, and only watched him go -- not triumphant, but breathing hard, breathing, and then running.
And she did not stop.
Was it something I said? Seamus had some difficulty remembering exactly what he'd told the customer, and thus had little to no idea what could have triggered such a reaction in Sam. Unless -- well, unless it really had been a ploy to sell and the lad was waiting for him to go on break. ( ... )
He laughed harder and reached around his bed for a hidden sketchbook, the one almost completely dedicated to Fenrir. He held it reverently for a moment, not opening it but running fingers over the cloth cover as if trying to remove something only he could see.
Blood. There was blood everywhere. When he looked up again, Sea was bleeding too--Sam's hands were covered with it, and he reflexively wiped them over his face, dropping the sketch book so it fell open.
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