Characters: Madam Rosmerta, Tracey Davis, others?
Location: Three Broomsticks
Date: July 14, 2000
Status/Warning: OPEN/None
Summary; AS for tradition, Rosie celebrates Bastille Day
Completion: InComplete
C'est si bon,/De partir n'importe où,/Bras dessus bras dessous,/En chantant des chansons )
Comments 31
Deciding to go out; it was her birthday after all, Tracey quickly apparated to Hogsmeade for dinner. She heard Rosie did something for Bastille day every year, so she decided to check it out. She walked from the apparition point to the pub. Walking in she looked at the specials for the day and smiled before taking a seat at the bar. "I'll have a glass of the house red and the special of the day."
"How have you been? Haven't seen you in a while," she said taking a sip of the wine; it was dry, but sweet.
"Mother has kept me quite busy in France. She's got this new cause that I've become all wrapped up in," he didn't elaborate as he thought the topic was rather boring. Of course if she asked, he would oblige. "How has your day been?"
Ron had never claimed to know much about history, especially when it came to France. He offered Rosie a faint sort of grin -- hadn't been smiling much lately, to be honest -- and went back to his crepes. "Shame."
It wasn't that things weren't going well. He'd managed to convince himself quite thoroughly that they were. It was only that he was Ron, and he couldn't really help being Ronnish; it was sort of the point of having any identity at all. Sometimes he felt he couldn't escape the trends he'd already set for himself. Maybe it was a good thing Megan couldn't always be around; she wouldn't have to experience his mood swings for herself.
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