Characters: Madam Rosmerta, Tracey Davis, others?
Location: Three Broomsticks
Date: July 14, 2000
Status/Warning: OPEN/None
Summary; AS for tradition, Rosie celebrates Bastille Day
Completion: InComplete
C'est si bon,/De partir n'importe où,/Bras dessus bras dessous,/En chantant des chansons )
However, he'd been given a slight repreive as no one in France worked on Bastille Day. Heading home, he decided to stop in at the Three Broomsticks for a bite. Walking into the pub, he let out a groan. "Not here too," he compalined as he glanced around the room.
Noticing Tracey, he was reminded that her birthday was the thing that he'd used to remember this date when they'd had to learn it in history. "Put it on my tab," he requested in reference to her order, "and add a Firewhiskey and a good old cornbeef sandwhich."
Turning to Tracey he added, "And don't you argue it. It is your birthday afterall."
"How have you been? Haven't seen you in a while," she said taking a sip of the wine; it was dry, but sweet.
"Mother has kept me quite busy in France. She's got this new cause that I've become all wrapped up in," he didn't elaborate as he thought the topic was rather boring. Of course if she asked, he would oblige. "How has your day been?"
"To be honest, I feel as though I've out grown the whole birthday thing. Mum didn't even attempt to make plans, which I'm grateful for."
"Come now, one is never to old for birthdays. A chance to reflect on one's better qualities is always in good taste."
Sipping her drink, she frowned. "It would be different if it was a milestone birthday. 20 is not that big of a deal."
"Technically, you are no longer a teenager," he gave her a light ribbing.
The first course of the special arrived and Tracey offered to split it with him; she wasn't likely to be able to eat it all anyways. One good thing about being with Oliver; food never went to waste..
"Whoopee! Does that mean I'll be drawn and quartered if I'm not married with a baby on the way in a year?"
He shook his head as if to clear his mind. All this talk about work, while not necessarily boring, was equally not as entertaining.
"That is a question you'd have to ask Oliver," to his knowledge the two seemed to be doing fairly well together last he'd seen.
"We are not close to getting married," she said. Things between them were going brilliantly and Tracey did not see the need to change it. "Although, I think I will be attending more Quidditch matches this year than last."
Tracey wondered what kind of relationship he had with Melinda Bobbin. "Seeing anyone seriously?"
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