Down to the Wire with Portus

Jul 05, 2008 03:28

Yes friends, I do still live and breathe! It seems that the month of June just ran away from me. At the last minute we decided to send my oldest daughter to a stay away summer camp for three weeks. this meant there was a whirlwind of activities to get her ready. She's been gone since June 22, and I've been working like mad to get a bedroom make ( Read more... )


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Comments 3

ozratbag2 July 5 2008, 08:54:25 UTC
Well, you have been busy...but you can relax soon at a degree. ;)

I'll be there - I'm actually making my way stateside at the moment, and just waiting for my connecting flight to board at Auckland. :)


snapeophile July 5 2008, 14:19:20 UTC
Yay! *hugs BEL* Can't wait to see you 'for real' real soon! I'll be in on Tues p.m. and will attend Snapefest (and the dinner.) Hope we can 'lime' (as our beloved Trini's say) alot! ♥ K


southernwitch69 July 5 2008, 15:52:16 UTC
Can't believe Portus is almost here! hehe


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