Wait, are you serious about the mysterious serial that got "disappeared"?? That's...kind of creepy. And kind of cool. Was it an American serial do you know? I know there were some Japanese, Star-Wars esque ones that have shown up on MST3K and whatnot, but IDK if they came before or after our Star Wars.
And yeah, Lucas was totally flying by the seat of his pants for a lot of this. I've actually heard that at the time Episode IV was released, Vader wasn't actually supposed to be Luke's dad and Leia wasn't supposed to be his sister. But after the fan base started seeing Han has the hero rather than Luke, they wanted to Han to "get the girl" and the only way that could think to make that happen without making any of them seem like jerks (Luke leading Leia on, Leia leading Luke on, Han cockblocking Luke and trying to nab Leia) was to make them surprise!siblings. Go figure.
I loved this. However Obi Wan was just following the example set by Qui Gon Jinn and remember Obi Wan thought that training Anakin in the first place was a bad idea and only did it because his mentor thought it was good idea. Let's be perfectly honest here the Jedi were not good in the first place they are Samurais they have a F'ed up code of honor but they are not good.
Oh dude, the Jedi Order was a giant pile of shit that can go eat every dick under every sun in the entire goddamn galaxy. Their stupid code was pretty much the Long Time Ago, Galaxy Far Far Away equivalent of "pray away the gay" and similarly toxic religious dogma. I'm surprised they weren't even more of a Sith factory than they were.
Comments 20
And yeah, Lucas was totally flying by the seat of his pants for a lot of this. I've actually heard that at the time Episode IV was released, Vader wasn't actually supposed to be Luke's dad and Leia wasn't supposed to be his sister. But after the fan base started seeing Han has the hero rather than Luke, they wanted to Han to "get the girl" and the only way that could think to make that happen without making any of them seem like jerks (Luke leading Leia on, Leia leading Luke on, Han cockblocking Luke and trying to nab Leia) was to make them surprise!siblings. Go figure.
This is inspiring, next week I will write something about slave girl leia as feminist empowerment.
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