So, I need to make a list of movies I should really watch someday. And books I should really read. If I put it here, I'm not going to lose it.
This is my space for that. Suggestions are welcome. (I get notified about comments, so if you comment directly on this page, I'll see it, no matter how much time has passed!)
Movies )
Comments 6
But the romance is unforced and mild, though the ending makes me say "Why didn't they do that FIRST?"
Also some nice multiculti.
A sequel is planned, but I'd rather actually have a prequel.
I've never seen Scarface, Godfather, Bullitt, etc. but I do recognize the references to them. And of course, as they say, if you don't watch Star Wars you won't get half the references on the internet. ;)
Books: True Grit (only real Feminist Western I've ever read that isn't faking or trying too hard on either one though I'm not sure the author knows he is a feminist, he is.). Brave New World (if you haven't yet). 1984 (if you haven't yet).
I could probably think of a lot more, but I don't know what you have seen.
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