So, I need to make a list of movies I should really watch someday. And books I should really read. If I put it here, I'm not going to lose it.
This is my space for that. Suggestions are welcome. (I get notified about comments, so if you comment directly on this page, I'll see it, no matter how much time has passed!)
Movies )
The Magnificent Seven
Most Twilight Zone episodes - they often have a twist and they're very well written, and many of them are now pop-culture references that people don't even know the origin of. Man, I should watch some of those again now. Many of them are through online services, but some aren't due to copyright fights etc.
Batman movie (Adam West, 1966). Campy, bizarre, available on DVD, safe for kids, goofy mid-60s fun and has a great line that I can't tell you about because spoilers!
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad Mad World (now fully restored on Bluray, or as close as it's ever gonna get). Several PCRs in there plus it's fun. A few instances of damn or hell but otherwise safe for kids. (Yes, PCR as in pop culture reference, not polymerase chain reaction)
Stuff to read:
Guns Germs & Steel, Jared Diamond
Collapse, Jared Diamond
The World Before Yesterday, Jared Diamond
(I am a huge JD fangirl)
Depending on what you can find to watch/listen/read (I got it as audiobook) anything about Ernest Shackleton's doomed Antarctic expedition.
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