Title: The Truth about Tippy Typewriter Part Six
Rating: NC-17 eventually
Couple: Sam/Brooke eventually
Summary: Brooke stumbles across Sam's secret journal
Disclaimer: I don't own them, but I certainly wish I did. Damn Ryan
Murphy and his unrivaled genius.
A/N: I live for feedback, and all is welcomed and appreciated. This part is actually beta'd by my beta Karen. She's really kick ass, and I love working with her. So thanks Karen!
Part Six
Coming out to her friends had been surprisingly easy. They’d been really supportive, a little too supportive at times. Lily had offered to start up the gay/straight alliance again. She and Josh were still living in Glass’ basement, and she was sure she could convinced her to be the faculty advisor. After all, she’d convinced the “Claw” to let her and Josh have one big bed. Sam believed that blackmail was somehow involved. Carmen was a little weird at first, but once Sam assured her that she would never do anything to make her uncomfortable, everything had gone back to normal. Even Harrison had been supportive once he’d gotten over the initial shock. In the month she and Mia had been dating, the blonde had met all of her friends. They even double dated with Josh and Lily and Harrison and Mary Cherry sometimes, and much to Sam’s amazement, Mia adored Mary Cherry.
From what she could tell, all of her friends seemed to really like her girlfriend. Everyone that is, except Brooke. Brooke was a whole different story. It was true that the coolness that had briefly existed between them was long gone, but every time she even mentioned Mia’s name to Brooke something in the air changed. She would roll her eyes or simply change the subject. Sam didn’t understand. Whenever Mia was around them, the shorter blonde went out of her way to be nice to Brooke. She guessed some people just didn’t click. It really hurt. She and Brooke were becoming close again. She wanted to be able to come home from dates with Mia and have someone to gush to. Granted, she had to admit that it was weird to talk to someone you were hopelessly in love with about the new person you were dating.
Dating Mia hadn’t lessened her feelings for her blonde stepsister, but she hadn’t really expected that it would. After all, if her feelings could be lessened by someone else’s presence, then were they really sincere to begin with? Mia was fun to be with and they had a lot in common, but she wasn’t expecting this to turn into a marriage proposal years down the line. This was her first girlfriend, and she just didn’t operate like that. Mia was exciting, but she didn’t make Sam feel even half the things that Brooke had and she’d never even dated Brooke. No, she and Mia would not be a great love affair written in the history books. They hadn’t even kissed yet.
Not that Mia hadn’t tried; because she had, a lot. Sam just wasn’t ready for that. She didn’t understand her apprehension because she knew she really wanted to, but this was her first kiss, at least with a girl, and she wanted it to be at the right moment. Maybe tonight would be the night. They were supposed to be going out with Harrison and Mary Cherry to a drive-in. They were taking her car because she, of course, had the convertible, which was the whole point of going to the drive-in. Maybe she’d drop those two off and when she walked Mia up to her door, she’d just pull her close and do the cliché thing, and kiss her good night. She sighed, that didn’t seem romantic enough. Er, why was dating so hard?
What she really wanted to do was go ask Brooke what she should do, but given how Brooke reacted to that sort of thing, she thought better of it. After pacing around for about twenty more minutes, she decided that she just couldn’t walk into this unprepared. Like it or not, she needed Brooke’s input. She walked out of her room and down the hall, knocking on the blonde’s door. She could hear the strains of Nsync’s ‘Girlfriend’ coming from the room loud and clear. When she got no response, Sam opened the door and leaned against the frame. She crossed her arms over her chest and enjoyed the view of the blonde gyrating to the beat. She wondered for a moment if she should feel guilty for watching. Yes, she had a girlfriend, but this was Brooke. Besides she would never do anything to betray Mia.
She wondered how Brooke could ever think there was anything wrong with her body. So far Sam hadn’t been able to find one single thing wrong, except for the fact that she couldn’t see more of it. Just then, Brooke did a move that would make a stripper blush and Sam thought she should say something, or risk turning into a puddle. Clearing her throat, she put on her best McPherson smirk. “Is that a new move for the Bring It squad? Cause I got to say, it will be a hit at the pep rallies.”
The blonde spun around in surprise, clutching her chest. “God Sam! Knock much?”
“Actually I did knock, Goldilocks, but you were to busy doing…well what you were doing.”
Brooke took a long drink from her bottled water and regarded Sam for a moment. “Did you actually need something, Mucky, or were you just adding voyeur to your ever expanding repertoire?”
“Actually I came to ask you for some advice.”
“You know for all the time I spend playing shrink to you, I should start charging,” Brooke said with a chuckle. “What’s wrong now? Barbie can’t find the keys to her Corvette?”
“Brooke…” Sam said in a warning tone. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, she thought
“You’re right. I’m sorry. That was uncalled for.” Brooke replied, though she didn’t look the least bit contrite.
Deciding to just let it go, Sam pressed on. “Well, Mia and I have been dating a month now, and I think tonight might be the night.”
The blonde’s hazel eyes grew impossibly large. “The night? Geez Sam, don’t you think that it might be a little too soon?”
Sam blinked at her in confusion. “No…I mean it has a been a month. How much longer should I make the girl wait?”
“At least until you’re ready to say ‘I love you’. You’re not ready to say ‘I love you’, are you?”
“Definitely not! Why…why would you ask me something like that? I mean I wasn’t ready to say ‘I love you’ to George or Harrison when I did it with them.”
“Harr..Harrison? You did this with Harrison! When?”
Sam didn’t understand what was upsetting Brooke. These were things she knew already. “Week after spring break, hello remember? He and I were quarantined. George walked in saw us doing it. Ring any bells?”
“I thought George only saw you two kissing?” Brooke said in confusion.
“He did see us only kissing. That’s all I’ve ever done with Harrison, or anyone for that matter. Brooke, you know all this.”
“Wait, Sam. What do you mean tonight might be the night for you and Mia? The night to do what?”
“I think tonight’s the night I’m going to kiss her.” Sam answered slowly.
“What did you think I was talking about?”
“Well I thought tonight was the night you were going to…wait, you and Mia haven’t kissed yet!” Brooke asked incredulously.
“No, we haven’t kissed. And what did you think I was talking about?” Sam asked suspiciously.
“It doesn’t matter, but it definitely wasn’t kissing. You mean at all? Not even a peck on the lips?”
“Nope nothing but some cheek action.” Sam answered defensively.
“I can’t believe it. Why haven’t you done it? I mean it has been a month.”
“I know that.” Sam growled. “I’ve just been waiting for the right time. I mean this is my first girl on girl kiss. I want it to be perfect.”
Brooke offered her a sweet, wistful smile. “I wish more guys put that kind of thought into a first kiss.”
Sam blushed. “So how do I know when it’s the right time?”
“Oh Sam, I don’t know. All I can say is trust your heart to tell you.”
Sam just hoped that her heart didn’t betray her.
It turned out that that night hadn’t been the right time either. There was something about listening to Mary Cherry talk about getting fat sucked out of her ass and put into her breasts that had put Sam in a decidedly unromantic mood. Brooke had been waiting up for her that night, and she wasn’t positive but she thought the blonde had looked pleased that she hadn’t kissed Mia-but that couldn’t be right-could it?
She stood chopping onions in the kitchen with her mother, nervously helping her make dinner. Ever since she’d told her mother about Mia, Jane had been insistent on meeting her. She’d finally relented after about a week, and Mia had been more than happy to meet her family. Jane had taken the news of Mia very well, and Sam was grateful yet again to have such a supportive and progressive mother. Mike had taken the news in stride, and was still a little weird about it, but it didn’t really bother her. It wasn’t like they were terribly close
“And you remembered to tell Brooke what time dinner was?” Jane McPherson asked as she stirred the bowl in her arms.
“Yes, Mom,” Sam replied, cracking an egg. “I’m going to leave in an hour to go pick up Mia, and I told Brooke to be here at six o’clock on the dot.”
“Okay, good,” Jane said, looking around the kitchen. “Look, Mike’s upstairs with MacKenzie, and I’ve got things pretty much taken care of in here. Why don’t you head up to get Mia early?”
Sam gave her mom a big smile and kissed her on the cheek. “Thanks Mom, you’re the best. And you’re going to love Mia. I just know it.”
“Well I already like the things I do know, and she’s dating you, so I know she has good taste.” Jane said with wink.
As she walked out the door towards her car, Sam rolled her eyes at her mother’s corniness, but inside she felt like she might burst. It meant a lot to her that her mother was being so great about it. She even helped Mike feel a little more at ease. Now if only she could fix whatever was eating at Brooke and solve world hunger, her mother could be a superhero. She made a mental note to check her mother’s closet for capes.
She shuddered as she thought about Brooke’s reaction to the news that Mia would be coming over for dinner. Sam had never seen anyone’s mood shift so quickly. Gone was the laughing talkative girl, and in her place stood a girl whose eyes were colder than ice.
“Gee Sam, that’s an awfully big step to take with someone you’re not ready to say ‘I love you’ to. Are you sure you’re not rushing it?” Brooke had asked in a cold voice before walking out of the room.
Sam was so lost and hurt by Brooke actions lately. She wondered if the blonde even considered her a friend any longer, let alone a best friend. She missed the old Brooke. This girl was someone she didn’t even know. Determined not to let Brooke’s dour mood dampen what looked to be a promising evening, she turned up her radio and sang along to the sweet sounds of John Mayer’s “No Such Thing.” She sang along with the lyrics, letting the words wash over her.
“‘ Welcome to the real world’,
she said to me
Take a seat
Take your life
Plot it out in black and white
Well I never lived the
dreams of the prom kings
And the drama queens
I'd like to think the best of me
Is still hiding
Up my sleeve”
Sam laughed as she sang this. That verse always reminded her of the beginning of sophomore year. Back then everything had been so much simpler and yet so complicated. Sometimes she longed for those days. She longed for the time when it was just easier to hate Brooke than to love her. But I loved her even back then, she thought with a sigh.
“They love to tell you
Stay inside the lines
But something's better
On the other side”
She knew for a fact that things were not better on the other side. If the last two and a half years had taught her nothing else, it had taught her that. After the Kelly fiasco that caused her mother and Mike to split up, the George/Harrison/Brooke love square, and Brooke almost losing her life on prom night, ‘be careful what you wish for’ took on a whole new meaning.
“I wanna run through the
halls of my high school
I wanna scream at the
Top of my lungs
I just found out there's
no such thing as the real world
Just a lie
you've got to rise above”
She wondered if that part was true. She wondered if, after high school, the only thing that changed was location and circumstance, but the people stayed the same. From what Brooke and Carmen had told her about the behavior of the college students at the frat party they’d gone to, she knew it was true.
She made it up to Mia’s and back in record time. When she walked back into the house it was spotless. All signs that the kitchen had ever been the wreck it was when she left were gone, and her mom had set the table with candles and fresh cut flowers. When her mom said she had a handle on things she meant it. She stepped aside, letting Mia in the door. She took the cheerleader’s jacket, and hanging it in the closet. Just then, her mother came down the stairs holding Mac.
Sam hefted ten-month-old Mac from her mother and bounced the cooing baby. “Mia this is my mom, Jane McPherson.”
“Hi Mrs. McPherson.” Mia said with a bright smile and a little wave.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Mia. Sammy talks about you constantly,” Jane said warmly.
“Mom…”Sam said as her cheeks turned bright red. She turned to Mia, holding the cooing baby up proudly. “This here is Mac.”
Mac cooed and offered Mia a big smile, showing off the few teeth that she did have.
“Nice to meet you, Macky. I’ve heard so much about you,” The blonde said bending over the baby and shaking her tiny fist. She turned back to Sam’s mother, who was taking something out of the oven. “Is there anything I can help you with Mrs. McPherson?”
“Oh no, don’t be silly. You’re our guest, Mia. Why don’t you sit down and relax. I’m sure Sam is just dying to pull out the photo albums and show you all of her baby pictures. The ‘Sammy in the bathtub’ series is everyone’s favorite.
The brunette’s face was bright red by the time her mother was finished talking. “Gee, thanks Mom,” She muttered under her breath before she saw blue eyes staring up at her in curiously. “Don’t get any ideas in that pretty little blonde head of yours. It’s not going to happen.”
Mia gave her her best pout before she reached out her hand and stroked MacKenzie’s cheek. “She’s really beautiful. I think she looks like you.”
“Really? I think she looks a lot like Brooke. Some of their baby pictures are almost identical,” Sam said thoughtfully. She wondered at the weird look that crossed Mia’s face when she’d mentioned Brooke’s name.
“The McQueen genes are certainly strong.” Jane said coming back to Sam and taking the baby from Sam’s arms. She fed Mac the half full bottle of juice she’d just retrieved from the refrigerator, and the three of them stood making small talk.
Mac let out a big belch and an even bigger smile, causing everyone in the room to laugh. Mac really enjoyed being the center of attention, and her hazel eyes shimmered with laughter. She wrapped a chubby little hand around a chunk of Jane’s hair and tugged.
“Uh oh, that means someone’s a little hungry. She certainly has Sammy’s appetite. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll sit Mac in her seat with dinner, and then I’ll begin serving everyone else.” Jane said, walking over to the table and putting Mac in her high chair. Once she had the baby squared away, she called Mike to the table and served everyone’s food.
Sam had begun to worry when there was no sign of Brooke at quarter to the hour. It was six o’clock exactly when they all sat down to the table and Brooke still wasn’t there. They waited twenty more minutes. Brooke had yet to show. She hadn’t even called. Mike and Jane were worried, but Sam was beyond pissed. She knew Brooke was pulling this little stunt on purpose.
“Well, there’s no sense in making our guest wait. Why don’t we just eat? I’m sure Brooke will be here soon,” Jane said, smiling over at Mia.
Things at dinner were a little awkward in the beginning. Mike was unusually quiet and had barely glanced in Mia’s direction. Jane was a little busy attending to Mac while trying to feed herself, and Sam tried to keep the conversation flowing by talking about a test she’d had in Physics earlier that week. Mia was being a really good sport about the whole thing, and Sam grabbed her hand under the table, giving it a little squeeze of appreciation.
“Mrs. McPherson, everything tastes absolutely delicious,” Mia said as she took a bite of her pork chop.
“Why thank you, Mia. I’m glad you’re enjoying it. Tell us a little about yourself.”
“I go to Lady Bird Johnson high school. I’m a junior and a cheerleader, but don’t hold that against me,” She deadpan and earned a hearty laugh from the ‘rentals. “I’m on the debate team, and I-”
“Sorry I’m late, guys. I had cheerleading practice. I completely spaced on the time. Ooo, I see we have company. Was that today, Sammy?” Brooke said as she walked into the kitchen and took her seat. She looked over at the fuming brunette as if she were a paragon of innocence.
But that just couldn’t be because every word that had come out of her mouth was a lie, and Sam knew it. There had been no practice today. Carmen was at an AA meeting and Mary Cherry was in Texas for a week. Practice had been canceled two weeks ago. She had personally texted Brooke and sent her an email reminding her of the time for tonight’s dinner. What game was Brooke playing?
“You’re…Mia, right?” Brooke asked not even bothering to wait for a reply, and blithely ignoring the glare that Sam sent her way. Instead she looked down at her plate and took a big bite of her food. “Mmm, Jane this is just delicious.”
“Why thank you Brooke. Mia, here, was, uh, just telling us about being a cheerleader and on the debate team.”
“Oh really? You know, I always thought Sammy should be on the debate team. She can argue with the best of them. We used to have some brutal fights. I’m saying like the celebrity death match of verbal spats. Didn’t we Sammy?” Brooke asked, finally looking over at the brunette. Sam narrowed her eyes.
“We, uh, sure did Brooke, but those days are far behind us, aren’t they?”
“Oh definitely, we’re best friends now. Closer than sisters even.” The blonde said looking at Sam pointedly.
“Actually I write for the school paper too.” Mia added trying to break some of the tension that had settled around the table.
“Wow, debate team, school paper, cheerleading, and a girlfriend. I bet with such a jampacked schedule, you barely have time to study. Your grades must be suffering since you started dating our Sammy here.” Brooke said with a smug look.
“Actually, I’m a straight A student. I have to keep my grades up if I want to get into Columbia. Sam and I study together quite a bit. She’s been a big help to me.” Mia said with her own smug smile.
Sam watched the two of them go at it and wondered if what Mia had said was right. Her girlfriend was convinced that Brooke had anything but sisterly feelings for Sam. At first Sam had dismissed it. Now she wasn’t sure what was going on. It made her head spin. She looked at her mother with eyes that said ‘do something!’ Jane nodded at her and turned back to Mia.
“So you write for the paper? Sam’s the editor of the school paper at her school. Did she tell you that?” Jane asked brightly.
“She sure did. I’ve actually had the privilege of reading a few of her articles. I was very impressed.”
“That’s our Mucky. Hey did you catch any of her stuff from sophomore year? It was pretty cutting edge. I mean she got my friends and I busted for cheating on a bio midterm, and almost got me suspended from cheerleading. Back then she really had it in for the cheerleaders. I guess that’s all changed now that she dating one.”
“What’s that supposed to mean!” Sam asked.
“I think you know exactly what it means. You spent the better part of two years telling me exactly what a useless activity cheering was. How it served no purpose in the grand scheme of life except to divide the masses of high school into social classes. It’s great to see that you’ve been able to climb down from your soapbox, and admit that you fall into the shallow category that you’ve always lumped me and my friends in. Because at the end of the day, you’re no different than anyone else. You’ve abandoned your principles for a pretty face, a short skirt and a set of pom-poms.”
“How dare you! I haven’t abandoned anything! You’re the one that’s always trying to prove to everyone that you’re more than just another dumb blonde cheerleader. Oh, and FYI Brooke, if you spent less time pretending that you’re a good person, and actually took the time to become one, maybe you’d have friends that don’t stab you in the back or try to run you over with their car.”
“Sam…” Jane said in a warning tone.
“Oh that’s just so utterly Sammy to throw that in my face. If you hadn’t been so selfish about the whole Harrison thing, then I wouldn’t have been in the road in the first place. But oh no, you just couldn’t stand to see me win! You didn’t want Harrison, but you didn’t want me to have him either.”
“Newsflash, Princess, you always win! That Harrison thing was a mistake on both of our parts. At least I’m woman enough to admit when I’m wrong. You can’t even admit that you were at fault in that situation too. Just admit that the only reason you’ve spent the past few months pretending to be my friend is to assuage your guilty conscious.”
“Only after you admit that the only reason that you’re dating the sweater over there because she looks like…because you’re just as shallow as the people you claim not to want to be anything like!”
“Girls!” Jane said loudly, startling Mac.
“Brooke, I think that’s enough. Don’t be rude to our guest.” Mike said evenly.
“I’m not being rude, Daddy. I’m sure Maya wants to hear all about Sammy, the real Sammy.”
“Her name is Mia, Brooke, and I’m sure she’s heard plenty, especially from you.” Sam said through clinched teeth.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means that you have been nothing but spiteful and uncouth since you walked in here. I mean, my God, Brooke did you take bitch pills this morning or something?”
“Sam…” Jane said in a warning tone as she was trying to settle Mac.
“No Mom, she’s been completely out of line since she sat down. Now, dinner is ruined. Come on Mia, I’ll drive you home because I can not stand being in this house with her for one more second.” Sam said standing up from the table. She held out her hand to the girl sitting next to her, and they walked towards the door.
“Thanks for dinner, Mrs. McPherson and Mr. McQueen. It was lovely.” Mia called over her shoulder as the two walked out of the house.
Sam fumed all the way up to Mia’s house and back. She arrived home an hour later, after apologizing for Brooke’s behavior profusely. Mia had been very understanding, suggesting that maybe the other blonde had just had a bad day. She gave Sam a long hug, and promised to call her tomorrow.
Sam stormed into the house and up the stairs, never stopping until she’d made it to Brooke’s room. She threw the door open.
“What the hell is your damage, Brooke?” She fumed.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Sammy. And do you want to keep it down? Mom just got Mac to sleep.” The blonde responded looking up from her vanity as she brushed her hair.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about. What was that stunt you pulled at dinner? Why are you always so rude to Mia? Is it that you don’t like her?”
“I wasn’t pulling anything, Sam. I was simply trying to tell her stories about you. I’m sorry if that offended everyone.” Brooke replied sarcastically.
“Like hell you were. I don’t know why you don’t like her, but that’s not even the point. How could you do that to me? I thought we were friends. You’re supposed to be my best friend.”
“I’m your friend? Tell me something, Mucky. When in the last month since you’ve been dating your precious Mia, have we ever spent any real time together? It seems the only time you ever actually want to talk to me, hell even give me the time of day, is when you need my advice on what to do about Mia or when you want to talk about her. When’s the last time you asked me how my day was?”
“Is it so horrible that for once, I want to gush about someone that I’m seeing? Okay, so I haven’t been as attentive as I usually am, but this is all new for me. It hasn’t exactly been easy to be around you. You turn into a megabitch if I just mention her name. So excuse me for taking a step back from our ‘friendship.’ I hesitate to even call it that after that disastrous dinner we had.”
“So what are you saying, Sam? You don’t want to be my friend anymore?” Brooke asked turning around to face the pacing brunette. Was that hurt that Sam saw in her eyes?
“What I’m saying is with friends like you, why do I need enemies?” Sam scathed before walking out of the room and slamming the door.