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Comments 19

ninjetti75 August 24 2010, 20:07:28 UTC
Oh, wow, the first fanfic I ever read was either a ThunderCat's story at Cheezey's archive, or Xena fic...um, somewhere, I have no idea where. It was awesome, all these new stories about favorite characters. . .and then I discovered the aggravation that is the Uncompleted Story. Gah.

I know the first slash fic I read was a rather horrible ThunderCats thing, but it still pushed my buttons pretty hard simply because I'd never read anything even remotely like it before. It opened my eyes to the possibilities, and then I started searching stuff out. I found "Vigil", which I've recced in my LJ in the past, a good MMPR Jason/Billy fic, and also found Karen's three Jason/Billy stories, all of which are extremely well done ( ... )


luxshine August 25 2010, 15:54:54 UTC
*blush* No, those two would be mine, I mean, the Chris as a schoolteacher, and the FBI agent one... and I think it was the first version too, not the corrected, betaed and less cliche-ridden second version :)

But milosflaca did beta both :)


ninjetti75 August 25 2010, 19:18:22 UTC
Ah-hah, well, I was close!

milosflaca is the artist; I knew that! But regardless, I thank you both for providing that last little nudge that propelled me into Popslash! Y'all should still try to make it to Camp Sparkle some year; we'd love to see you!


nopseud August 25 2010, 00:17:49 UTC
I think the first popslash stories I read were either by Calico or Torch, but I don't remember which ones specifically. Hmm...Calico is probably the better bet, as she wrote a couple of Blakes 7 stories, too.

ETA: Hah! The advantages of never (and I mean *never*) deleting mail. Apparently, I started reading popslash in early 2003 because of this post on flambeau's LJ. And I guess I then clicked on the link to Calico's story because I recognised her name from Blake's fandom. And I'm pretty sure I friended Torch after I met her at the Red Rose con in 2002. So, indirectly, old-skool slash fandom is responsible for my fall into RPS. They'd be so horrified proud.

So that means the first popslash I read was Rumour, by Calico.

In honour of the occasion, I will use my first default icon.


citruslover August 25 2010, 02:54:01 UTC
That is such an awesome story!

Note to self: stop deleting emails. lol


citruslover August 25 2010, 03:03:38 UTC
One of the first fanfics I read? Hm...I know I waded through a ton of Mary Sues on the Absolute Chaos site. The first fic that I actually remember was one where the BSB were kidnapped and held hostage--which was a lot better than it sounds! lol Unfortunately that site went down a number of years ago.

One really early fic that I read which I clearly remember was actually a futuristic AU with both NSync and BSB, and it was amazing! Does anyone else remember this? Something like there was an intergalactic space war, and the ten of them were the chosen ones to save the universe...I really wish I could remember the title. But it was amazing! I'd love to find that one again.

As far as first slash fic, it was Bry's "Let Me Be Your Candle," which unfortunately she took down from her site. Thankfully the rest of it is still up!


ghettogreta August 25 2010, 03:49:29 UTC
That au almost sounds like something Rhys wrote, I think it was called Experiment V? I may be totally off base, since it's been eons since I've read it, though!


citruslover August 25 2010, 04:05:01 UTC
Hm, could be...? Although I'm browsing her site now (if that's the right one) and I don't see anything that fits that description...


ghettogreta August 25 2010, 04:32:30 UTC
Yeah, that's it. I was thinking of this one. But now that I look at the title page, I'm thinking it's not. Hrm.


ocelot_summer August 25 2010, 06:18:54 UTC
The first fanfic I read... was probably a Sliders fanfic back in the day. And I'm pretty darn sure my first slash fanfic was something really, really terrible in the Sailor Moon fandom.

One of the first popslash fics I remember reading was Rhys's Slim-Fast. Which I still love, and set me on the Choey-loving path!


morgana_st August 25 2010, 07:53:32 UTC
I was easing my way into the Whedon-verse, taking part in the online watch-and-posts and participating in discussions, although I hadn't read any fanfic, but there was a thread on the board devoted to it. I dipped my toe in to see what they were talking about, and one of the people there started raving about these two stories, telling me that even if I didn't read popslash I should read them and be envious of the writer's ability. I had no idea what popslash was, but I clicked on the links anyway, because I'm incapable of not clicking on a link in front of me, and that's how I discovered Heart of Stone, Eyes of Tree and Rake At the Gates Of Hell by synecdochic. I got partway through the story and finally started thinking "wait, isn't there really a singing group with a Lance and a Justin in it?" and started googling all the guys to try to put faces to the names. Then I went on a huge research spree, and binged on reading and then filling my mp3 player with the music and the rest is history.


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