Title: Middle of Nowhere
Disclaimer: These characters are not mine. They were created by Annie Proulx. I make no money from this and don't want to.
Rating: NC-17 for the whole story
Dedication: To Keren. Thanks for everything.
Feedback: Oh yes please!! I appreciate every word.
Authors Note: This chapter is unbeta'ed so any mistakes are ALL mine. I
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Comments 36
The writing is wonderful, as well :)
Thank you- can't wait for part 2!
I love that Jack here isn't afraid to bare his soul and even desperation in front of Ennis. This makes him both brave and vulnerable. I just hope Ennis would break his heart!
“I wasn’t thinking of renting an apartment. I was hoping to move in here, with you.”
Now... that's a perfect Valentine's day love bomb!
What a lovely start to the epilogue! Look forward to the second part.
Have a lovely weekend away and Happy Valentine's Day :)
Really lovely canon touches - I especially liked the potato peeling -and it's also clear how much they miss each other, and not just sexually. Wow, that's some plan Jack just dropped in Ennis's lap! Obviously, Ennis would love to have Jack with him all the time, but it's not just Ennis's home, is it? I imagine K.E. would have some say - but maybe Jack has anticipated that? I'm very curious about K.E. now. Looking forward to part 2. Thanks!
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