Keep Your Head Down [12]

Apr 17, 2016 01:11

Pairings: YunJaeMin
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: boyxboy, mature content.
Summary: Jaejoong wants to be forgiven for leaving HoMin and they know what they want as retribution.
A/N: Lol is anyone still reading this?

Jaejoong stepped into the cold autumn air, hugging his leather jacket closer to his body, as the thin shirt under it did nothing to help protect him from the chill. )

title: keep your head down, fanfiction, chaptered, dbsk fanfiction, yunjaemin, dbsk

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Comments 14

marieluna April 17 2016, 07:30:38 UTC

Best sunday gift ever!!! Grats about finishing Uni btw, I am so happy! Well, not happy that you are unemployed, happy that you decided to give this fic another try :)

But I have a question, is it bad that I kinda want to squish Choi under a lawnmover?! Anyway this new change makes my head spin. Will they obey? Will they not? And JJ? *_*


poppy_sky May 11 2016, 06:44:51 UTC
lolololol sorry for the late reply OTL

Thanks for the good wishes!

I would squish him too don't worry.

About your questions... where is the fun in knowing now? ;)

Thanks for reading bb!


phinea2009 April 17 2016, 14:21:03 UTC
I thought my eyes were playing a trick on me ... but happily no.

I'm glad Jae is seeking some professional help. SM ... forever evil.

I'm really happy you updated this story. Now what will Homin do? JJ too.

Congrats on completing uni!!!


poppy_sky May 11 2016, 06:45:52 UTC
wow i'm late hi.

there is no way jaejae was getting out of that without some help :/

thank you for the good wishes! and for reading! \o/


fanficxoxo94 April 21 2016, 10:24:49 UTC
I just discovered this fic and am so relieved to know you're gonna continue this! I panicked when i didnt see the forward arrow at the end of chapter 10!


poppy_sky May 11 2016, 06:47:42 UTC

Sorry about the ....lack of arrow hehe, haven't gone back to update those entries...

I am glad you just found out about the story because then you didn't have to wait that long hehehe OTL

Thanks for reading! I'm glad you're liking it so far :)


lelouch7 June 15 2016, 08:18:16 UTC
oooh interesting development, thank you for updating.
I love yunjae but damn i really really love jaemin in your fic.


poppy_sky August 4 2016, 05:49:18 UTC
Hi! Sorry for the super late reply. Thanks for sticking around :)

Jaemin is like.... my secret weakness ;_; i love them so much.


flidi September 11 2016, 22:05:28 UTC
You continue this story? The peoples wait for the end of the story.


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