Haunted [Chapter 2]

Mar 17, 2010 22:12

Rating: PG13
Warnings: Horror themes.
Summary: The Dong Bang apartment has become too crowded. When more living space is needed, the boys will ask the company for new living quarters. When they arrive at the destination they are met with their dream house, however, will that dream turn into a nightmare once obscure things start happening in that ( Read more... )

fanfiction, title: haunted, chaptered, dbsk

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kamo_comon March 18 2010, 13:56:26 UTC
um... am in school right now, but will write later! ^^

P.S. you stalker!! LOL
P.P.S. I didn't get first second or third spot!! (T_____T)


kamo_comon April 14 2010, 03:20:51 UTC
Mmmm~ Sounds... lol; we can be sados and masos at the same time, right?

lmao; you funny~ ^^

I'm going to attempt writing!!! RAAAAAWRRR!!! I still have to finish homework first though. *frowns*

Yay! (hahaha; I can so imagine someone trying to ask you seriously and you thinking it's just a little joke between friends - like from K-dramas.)

Awwww~ I'm virtually undead. 8D Does that count?


poppy_sky April 14 2010, 23:26:26 UTC
Ah sure, that would be lovely LOL.
This is going to sound so cruel but I love making people run around the place getting me stuff. For example, a friend and you are idk, in McDonalds and you ask her/him to get your food, then you crave something else and whine for them to get it and they do and you giggle evilly from your seat. It's an art, seriously.

I try :)

Finish your homework first!! :0

I'd probably be all "uhm you're kidding right? hahaha ...no? ..shit."

I guess. Yeah. I'm Miley Cyrus virtually ...LMAO.


kamo_comon April 25 2010, 05:38:23 UTC
Aw~ You sado. I'm more of a maso. (^_~) My closest friends know how I don't react much to pain (but I secretly like it). XD

GO TO HELL, HOMEWORK! *gives insane laugh while burning papers*
I've completely lost it. XD

Poor guy. lol

Have fun with that identity. (o__o);;;


poppy_sky April 25 2010, 08:31:05 UTC
I'm kind of both. I have a boo-boo on my leg right now. Okay a big boo-boo. I'm so clumsy it's not even funny. While we were climbing some hill thingy to see some waterfalls I wasn't wearing my glasses so I didn't see where I was walking and tripped and fell so my leg is all scrapped and stuff. My friends were all like "Are you alright? That looks painful!!" ...and stuff and I was like "This? It's nothing, don't worry about it" then everybody kept saying how bad it was and stuff and I started thinking "maybe it IS that bad..." LOL. But I like getting cuts and scrapes. I call them "war-injuries". It's even better if they leave a scar :)

o_o ...okay *moves away from you slowly*

That's why people shouldn't approach me with romantic feelings in mind *nod*

I'm having fun. I have the best of both worlds remember?


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