Huh? How did this happen.

Nov 15, 2008 21:36

prophecygirl11: So is Cookleta/Wincest officially a fandom now? You have written the inaugural fic. :)
popcultaddict: Methinks it is a fandom. *nods*
etiam_exspecto: YO. Yes of course it is a fandom now. We should have a comm or something, LMAO.
popcultaddict: ...we totally should. Don't tempt me. XD
prophecygirl11: I've never been part of such an exclusive fandom before. Like, five whole members.
etiam_exspecto: You know I ( Read more... )

cookleta (is real), gtfo: lj hates my soul, the force is strong with my flist, oh noez!, *supernatural, for the win(cest), real life

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Comments 15

etiam_exspecto November 15 2008, 12:16:45 UTC
OMGWHAT. *clings to you* NOOOOOOO.

LMAO I act like you'll be gone forever. XD

But yay for uni being over for you!


popcultaddict November 15 2008, 15:36:05 UTC

Don't worry bb! I just got word from my brother that the internet is in fact faster than normal. Which probably means it will now take 2 minutes to load a page. XD

So yeah, I'll still be around mostly. I'm so addicted to fandom that I'd brave teh slow internetz anyway. XD


etiam_exspecto November 16 2008, 13:50:52 UTC
Haha, I would totally brave the slow internet too if we had crappy internet too.

Also, I read poppyfields13's comment and ahaha, I thought you lived at home too. XD


popcultaddict November 17 2008, 13:33:03 UTC
Yes! I am braving it now! And let me tell you dude, it's slowly killing my soul . XD

Well, as I said to Poppy, we have a house in Australia and one in PNG, so I was at home. It just happened to be one of two homes. XD

OMG, dude, I missed you so much!
I don't care that it was only 2 days.


sara84 November 15 2008, 12:19:00 UTC
OMG! I'm so jealous ur on holiday, lol. Also, I'll miss u:)



popcultaddict November 15 2008, 15:37:07 UTC
I'll miss you toooooo! But I'm still going to attempt to get on for a couple of hours a day instead of my usual 6 or 7. LOL.

ILU2! ♥


(The comment has been removed)

popcultaddict November 17 2008, 13:08:53 UTC
Yes I did! LOL. We're more popular than I was expecting. 16 members! =D

Hee, high five for not very impressive bosoms! XD

The first thing I wanted to do when I arrived was run to the computer, but alas, I was made to unpack and you know, eat dinner. How dare my family interrupt my fandom time! lmao.


poppyfields13 November 15 2008, 20:04:18 UTC
i don't know why i thought you lived at home. *shrug*

only a couple of hours? that is sad. i'm sorry.


popcultaddict November 17 2008, 13:20:25 UTC
Actually, I technically do live at home. =D We have a house in Australia and a house in PNG. Is it pathetic that I missed my flist soooo much, even though it was only 2 days? lol.

*sigh* I wish I could bring broadband with me any where in the world.


poppyfields13 November 18 2008, 01:37:05 UTC
oooooooh, so you're in png now?

it's not pathetic. earlier this year i stayed at my grandma's for a week with no internet and i nearly DIED.


popcultaddict November 18 2008, 10:16:14 UTC

Ha ha. IKR? Fandom and LJ have gotta be one of the most addictive things in the world.


brite_city November 18 2008, 03:05:26 UTC
Ahh I know how you feel about the slow internet. It's super fast here at school so whenever I go home and it's slower it feels like it takes forever to load lol. But I'm glad you're going home!


popcultaddict November 18 2008, 10:27:22 UTC
I'm here now, and the internet is killing me, but anyway the point of this is


I hope you had a wonderful day!


brite_city November 22 2008, 01:26:29 UTC
Thank you!
It was actually one of the better birthdays that I've had =)


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