Huh? How did this happen.

Nov 15, 2008 21:36

prophecygirl11: So is Cookleta/Wincest officially a fandom now? You have written the inaugural fic. :)
popcultaddict: Methinks it is a fandom. *nods*
etiam_exspecto: YO. Yes of course it is a fandom now. We should have a comm or something, LMAO.
popcultaddict: ...we totally should. Don't tempt me. XD
prophecygirl11: I've never been part of such an exclusive fandom before. Like, five whole members.
etiam_exspecto: You know I would totally join if you made one. *whistles innocently*
popcultaddict: What would we call it? I MEAN. WHAT. HOW ARE YOU ROPING ME INTO THIS?

And so cackpadaleta was born.

It seems some people have joined who actually weren't the aforementioned five people, so yay! haha. So, join if you like Wincest+Cookleta and/or Cackpadaleta and/or Jenarchie and/or Archudorablecki [yes, that is a ship name. Do not question the adorableness factor of Sammy+Baby D] and/or Cackles and/or Padacook. lol.

Anyway! On to the more relevant matters to the sane people of my flist. Uni is finally over for the year, and I'm going home tomorrow! Travelling is going to take 2 days and I shall obviously not be on LJ. I will hopefully be back on Monday night (that's Sunday night for my beloved American flisters. <3) And another (more depressing) thing - the internet is totally crap; like ridiculously so. It's dialup, so I'm disabling the images and videos option on LJ - it will still take 5 minutes to load a page I suspect. BUT I'll be busting my butt to check my fpage at least once a day. ILY guys too much! *hugs flist to not very impressive bosom* *clings to fandom and LJ*

cookleta (is real), gtfo: lj hates my soul, the force is strong with my flist, oh noez!, *supernatural, for the win(cest), real life

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