OMG you guys!

Apr 09, 2009 19:42

Things of flail:

01. I won one of those passes to see the premiere of Merlin in the gigantic IMAX theatre in Sydney! I was moping and considering not entering earlier because it only included the tickets and not the actual flight to Sydney. But meh, flights are really cheap these days, like...$65 or something? Which is TOTALLY worth it to see the extreme prettiness on a 25 METRE (82 FEET) SCREEN OMFG. And also, it turns out, it's showing on 2 different weekends, so I don't have to choose between that and the Supernatural fancon. Phew.

02. Supanova was amaaaaaaaazing! Other geeks! In one place! It was like I was finally home. XD
I hugged some storm troopers, and Darth Vader. ♥ And look who also turned up.

Pedobear! Lulz. I thought of Cookleta. <3 Unfortunately, I didn't take that picture, because my camera is made of supermassive fail - as you shall see under the cut. It sucks so hard that I have good pics of
Pedobear of all things, and crappy ones of the people I actually went to see. XD

Bonnie Piesse! She played young!Aunt Beru in Episodes II and III. Ignore the random dude in red taking up half the damn photo. So, it turns out all the seats in the very front row were empty throughout her whole Q & A session. Nobody sat there because we thought they were reserved or something. Turns out they're not. *headdesk* But I learned fast after that, and managed to snag em for Amber and Adam's sessions. =D

Adam! (See, how close I am to the stage?! =D) I don't remember what exactly he's doing here. I was too preoccupied with trying not to hyperventilate. He's so hilarious! A girl asked him which Buffy character he would like to play besides Warren, and he was like "James Marsters. Not Spike - James Marsters." LOL. <3

Amber! Holy crap guys, she is so ridiculously gorgeous in real life! And she has such a sunny personality. She was constantly laughing and giggling and I was grinning like an idiot throughout the whole thing. OMG. BUT ANYWAY. Someone asked what it was like working with Jared and Jensen on Supernatural, and she goes "They're such great guys to work with. The first thing they did was come up and introduce themselves, and also their dogs. So yeah, I got to meet their dogs." My ears totally perked up at this point, because WHUT. She just said "their" dogs. I wasn't aware Jensen had dogs of his own. MAYBE HE CONSIDERS JARED'S DOGS TO BE HIS TOO. *flails* Or most likely I'm just reading into it, but whatever *plugs fingers in ears and ignores reason*

Hee, and then someone asked what it was like kissing Alyson Hannigan on Buffy and she was like, "hehe, I accidentally slipped her the tongue once." lolz. Actually! I had just started attempting to capture some video, but as you know, my camera was not cooperating and cut off after she answered just that one question. But anyway, she was describing their reunion kiss, and she was talking about how there's a 'melter' and a 'meltee.' Obviously the melter is the one who swoons in the arms of the meltee. Amber said she got to be the meltee because Aly's so tiny. Aww. And she mentioned that Aly just gave birth! prophecygirl11 did you know this?! We are falling abysmally behind in Buffy fandom!

^ Also, WTF, I was ready to smack the person next to me. I had a clear view the whole time and the moment I pull my camera out to snap a pic, he decides to turn his head. *sigh*

But yes. This camera situation? Better be rectified in a week's time, because if I don't get any pics of J2, I will seriously cry.

cookleta (is real), aaaaah!, prophecygirl11 is my homie ♥, merlin, i love geek gatherings, *supernatural, *star wars, *buffy the vampire slayer

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