jsdlkfjsd.f jfsie. $U#%(. BEST DAY OF MY LIFE.

Apr 19, 2009 12:24



Calmer now. Long ass recap time! This is in a really vague order as I'm just a jumbled mess of squee. And also, I should apologize in advance because there will be grammatical errors, abuse of the word "like" and typos aplenty - due to still being incapable of higher brain functions. It will also be blatantly J2-biased because I know vna04 would kill me if I didn't mention every. single. slashy. moment. ;)

Firstly, while we were lining up, there was some lady who was obviously too lazy to go looking through the crowd for her friend to give her (him?) a cup of coffee. She was standing right next to us when she randomly started yelling "COOKIE! I'VE GOT YOUR COFFEEEEEEE! COOKIE!" And I lol'ed because of course I started thinking of Teh David Cook. All 400 people outside just fell quiet and we were all like o_O My eardrums still hurt.

Anyway, moving on. Bought heaps of merchandise. Yay! Then it was photo time, so everyone who had bought photos with Misha, Jensen and Jared were called out and the rest of us got to watch episodes on the huge screen while we waited. \o/ Twas awesome. We ended up watching Lazarus Rising, It' the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester and Yellow Fever. And then it was MISHA TIMEZ!

Can I just say the man is freakin' gorgeous IRL. I could barely hold my drool in when I was supposed to be taking video. Luckily, my friend was in charge of taking photos, so she has much better ones which I'll upload later. But in the meantime, make do with all my quick crappy snaps in between videos! (prophecygirl11! I was saved from certain despair-induced death. If my friend didn't have a good camera, I would've suffered a breakdown. XD)

OMG. He's so damn hilarious! The whole audience couldn't stop laughing the whole way through his session. There were jokes about Castiel's manliness. He mentioned that for some reason, a knife through the chest is nothing, but he's down on the ground after 2 punches. lol. He also said that his goal is to last for at least 3 in the future. hehe. And also, Misha is of the opinion that Castiel supernaturally darns his own clothing. XD After Misha, the first autograph session was held. Ours was at the end of the day, so they played Tall Tales while we were waiting. Guys, if you haven't seen SPN on a big screen with a huge audience, you really should someday - it's so much fun.

JAAAAAAARED! OMG. The boy is so fucking hyper. *smishes* He comes bounding out and like, flops into the seat and spins around a bit, coz it was one of those wheelie computer chairs. Of course, one of the first things he notices is the HUGE bag of Fantales on the table next to him. Fantales are an Aussie candy thingy. Basically, it's chocolate coated caramel, and it's ridiculously hard to chew. Seriously. Might as well not have a conversation if you're gonna eat fantales at the same time. Which is why his whole session was hilarious, because we all know he has a sweet tooth, and he was trying to answer questions while steadily eating his way through the bag. LMAO.

^ That's him reading the celebrity trivia on the fantale wrapping. XD Ugh. The lighting was made of fail. It was this yucky orange glow thing.

But yes, anyway, I have video of certain questions and couldn't get the rest because we weren't actually allowed to film. If someone had told me that Hub Productions was doing their own filming for a later DVD release then I wouldn't have minded. But whatever, I know now, and I'll buy it soon.

Some memorable sections (these are all paraphrased; I am not ninja enough to remember actual quotes):

-> Someone asked Jared if he'd been mistaken for a different celebrity. At which point he laughed and was like, "honest to God, this is a true story; happened to me 3 days ago in San Francisco." Apparently he walked into Starbucks and the girl behind the counter recognized him and was SO nervous that she couldn't serve him properly because her hands were shaking. He was trying to calm her down and stuff (lol, hilarious mental images), when he looked up and saw another Starbucks worker pop his head around the door leading to the back. Then Jared heard him say to another worker, "who's that?" And the other dude was like, "I think it's Zac Efron - except he has a lot of facial hair." LULZ.

-> A girl asked Jared how he broke his wrist (because we'd just been watching the blooper reel wherein he was wearing the cast). At the exact same moment, he was spinning around in the chair and almost fell off before completing the turn. And he was like, "doing stupid stuff like that." XDDD

-> Which female character would Jared date? "Dean Winchester." Woot. Fan service. ;)

-> Jared loves Colin Ford, AKA young!Sam. D'awwwww! I love him too.

-> Someone asked something plot related? I can't remember the specifics, but Jared asked what episode we were up to, and we were all like, "The Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester." And he goes, "oh, okay, well there's this episode called "The Monster at the End of this Book" and the whole audience is like, "oh yeah, we've seen that." And he stops mid-sentence and is like, "huh? You said you were only up to Great Pumpkin." And all at once everyone's like, "Illegal downloading!" "The internet!" "Torrents!" It totally cracked him up and he had to take a moment to LOL. XD

-> When asked what he would do if he had control of the plot, Jared said he'd move it to Hawaii. THIS IS IMPORTANT IN THE J2 PROGRESSION OF THINGS. Remember it for later. ;)

-> We gave Jared an Aussie chant. Basically goes like, "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie. Oi, oi, oi!" and is used frequently at sports games and whenever else we're feeling particularly patriotic.

^ Fantales + Coke + Jared = very dangerous combination

JENSEN TIMEZ! I was so beyond excitement at this point. hehe.

HIS OUTFIT. sjdfkjsldf. I died. Repeatedly.

More memorable moments! Once again paraphrased:

-> Jensen comes out to sit down in the chair, and looks at the bazillions of fantale wrappings that Jared dropped all over the floor. He shakes his head and says, "Look at the mess he left. Someone has to clean up after him. This is why we don't have any nice stuff. He's such a slob." At which point Jared (who was obviously listening backstage) opens the door, sticks his head out and yells, "I'm not a slob! You're a slob!" I missed getting that on camera because it was so unexpected. *sadface*

-> Jensen heard our chant for Jared. He also wants one. =D

-> Jensen was asked if anything supernatural or spooky ever happened on set like the Poltergeist and Exorcist movies. "Not really. Except for Jared's gas. That's a phenomenon. Could clear this whole room. *looks toward backstage door* No offense buddy."

-> When asked what set he would like to sneak on, Jensen goes, "Lost. In Hawaii. 'Oh yeah, I went surfing all day today...hmm, do I even have work tomorrow?' Jerks." I lol'ed so hard. Also, I TOLD YOU EARLIER THAT HAWAII WAS SIGNIFICANT.

-> Jared is Jensen's closest friend. ^__^

-> Someone asked what other movie genres Jensen would like to try. Musicals maybe? He was like, "Definitely not musicals. Thought it would be pretty funny if Jared decided to come out right now with a guitar and perform for us. *looks offstage* That's your cue!"

-> Halfway through, Jensen mentioned that his throat was getting a bit hoarse. Jared came out and tossed him a bottle of water. Now THIS I managed to get on camera.

image Click to view

^ That's some talent, yo. I can't even manage to catch a tube of lip balm from that far. A huge bottle of water would likely hit my head and cause massive damage. After Jared leaves, Jensen goes, "It's vodka." hee. (I only just uploaded that on YT, so it might take a while before it enters their system)

-> Soon after that, someone goes "you mentioned vodka earlier, and we've also seen the infamous purple nurples from Tall Tales, plus you drink beer every other episode. Do you guys have a drinking problem?" Jensen's like, "Have you seen How I Met Your Mother? Now they have a drinking problem."

Aaaand finally, the boys designed (read: scribbled all over) some shirts to benefit the Starlight Foundation, which is a charity for making sick children's wishes come true. Jared's sold for $1200. He drew stick figures of himself and Jensen. They were so hilariously terrible. And he also drew a fantale. rofl.

I couldn't really see what Jensen drew. I know he wrote Supernatural in big letters across the front, and also did some doodles on the back which might have been of him and Jared. His sold for $4100. Jeezus, I wish I had that kind of money. They both faked wiping their sweat off with the shirts. hee. And Jared did a hilarious little mini striptease thing. Someone asked if we could see Jared's face when Jensen told him how his sold for more, and Jensen was like, "oh trust me, he knows." XD

Oh! And during the auction, a girl yelled out, "I'll sell my brother!" Jensen was like, "that is a fantastic idea...does he have to be biologically related?"

So then at the end of the day, I lined up with my friend and her sister for the autographs. Dudes. It was intense. Jensen, the cheeky bastard, totally knew what he was doing. XD He looked up, gave us this incredibly mischievious grin and was like, "hey ladies." OMFG. If that looks epic on screen, then you would have died along with us if you actually heard him say it. Ahahahaha, and I kid you not, we all physically melted/half-swooned at the same time and chorused in extremely high pitched voices, "hey! *giggle giggle*" Once we were finally clear we kind of mentally headdesked because good lord, we sounded like love sick pre-teens. Also, HIS EYES. sjdksfjsldf. So preeeeetty.

We didn't fare much better with Jared because we were still all swoony from the Jensen encounter, and after he'd signed the photo and was like, "there you go" *big sparkly smile complete with dimples* all I managed was a squeaky "thankyou!" Lol. So basically, a word of warning, you lose all coherence when looking Jared Padalecki in the eyes. XD Danneel was there too, sitting just behind the signing table. She's extremely pretteh. Damn her.

Sadly, I couldn't get an autograph with Misha because they weren't making any more available. But we made sure to walk by his table EXTREMELY slowly to fully appreciate his hotness. HIS HAIR GUYS. I wanted to pet it.

Hmmmm. I think that's it. I seriously regretted not bringing a notebook to jot down every moment. *is pathetic* XD

Ooookay. Phew. *collapses*

aaaaah!, prophecygirl11 is my homie ♥, i'm so weird wtf, observe my fail, down under, jensen and jared are in love, vna04 - mah flail buddy, *supernatural

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