May 10, 2006 13:27
the boy and i are probably getting married this summer. its going to be a very low-key, justice of the peace, get-married-in-jeans affair.
(other somewhat pertinent information. we are currently living with jeremy's folks, possibly moving out at the end of the summer and looking to start TTC # 2. we already have lots of household stuff from previously living on our own and will probably be getting lots of second hand stuff from family upon moving out. we are a one income family.)
my parents are going to be holding a reception for my side of the family. would it be horrible to ask for cash as a gift? i dont need a gravy boat but $20 could pay my cellphone bill. a nice set of dishes is half a student loan payment. because we are living with family we dont even need kitchen appliances, and if we move to an apartment we wouldnt really have the space or need any big ticket items.
im a very functional person. im asking for an apron for mothers day because i need one. i wanted new socks for christmas. that was all.
edti: obviously, i would not be actually be begging for money. simply that yes, wedding showers/receptions exist primarily to get stuff. as my parents are handling it, i will talk with them.
and, rhetorically, if it's tacky to ask for gifts at wedding/baby showers, why the hell are there gift registries at every store for such occastions and every one asks "where are you registered?"