FIC: Ain't No Sunshine (Part 7/?)

Aug 06, 2012 22:48

What: BtVS fanfic
Series written for: Summer of Giles 2012
Pairing: Faith & Giles
Rating: PG, FRT for some language (one swear!) and adult situations/concepts
Setting: Post "Chosen," no comics. Any similarity to the comics is coincidence as I haven't read them, though I have read some synopses of them online.
Disclaimer: I own nothing in the BtVS ( Read more... )

summer of giles, giles/faith, giles & faith

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Comments 4

gilescandy August 15 2012, 06:54:04 UTC
Just so you know, I read this at 4am the day you posted it and forgot to go back and comment. I am still loving everything about this story and am eagerly awaiting more. I love how they're dealing with each other so far.


pookitoots August 19 2012, 18:22:07 UTC
thanks for the feedback! it inspires me to keep going. :)


il_mio_capitano October 20 2012, 11:38:55 UTC
Hey I missed a chapter? I'm slipping.


pookitoots October 21 2012, 14:54:00 UTC


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