July 22 - child POV

Jul 26, 2016 23:29

Title: Far From Home (part 4/7)
Author: Pompey
Universe: BBC, ACD/Gaslight, Dr. Who
Rating: PG
Warnings: AU, crossover
Word count: 303
Summary: John’s entry into 1894 does not go unnoticed.
Prompt: July 22 - Take a child’s-eye view of Holmes and/or Watson or their world

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dr. who, fiction, watson's woes, crossover, july writing prompt, sherlock holmes

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Comments 4

gardnerhill July 27 2016, 05:19:41 UTC
Aha. A light appears in the confusion!


keerawa July 27 2016, 05:59:46 UTC
Oooh, intriguing. Mr Holmes knows more than he should!

And welcome back!


capt_facepalm July 27 2016, 09:15:20 UTC
I love Scarper Ed, the fleetest of the Irregulars. It seems Holmes knows too much and if so, John will be justified in throttling him. I'm looking forward to seeing how this unfolds.


donutsweeper July 27 2016, 13:37:42 UTC
Oooh, I can't wait to see what happens next! :)


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