July 22 - child POV

Jul 26, 2016 23:29

Title: Far From Home (part 4/7)
Author: Pompey
Universe: BBC, ACD/Gaslight, Dr. Who
Rating: PG
Warnings: AU, crossover
Word count: 303
Summary: John’s entry into 1894 does not go unnoticed.
Prompt: July 22 - Take a child’s-eye view of Holmes and/or Watson or their world

Scarper Ed watched the fight and the subsequent arrests from the shadows. Mr. Holmes had been right about everything: the time, the street, the two toughs, the short blond man in the funny clothes who would win the fight, and what would happen to all three men. Still, the boy waited until the Maria was rattling away before moving. He hadn’t picked any pockets that night but just try and make the peelers believe that! Besides, he had a report to give.

True to his nickname, Scarper Ed made it to Baker Street in about half the time it would have taken any of the other Irregulars. The door hadn’t been locked for the night yet, but then Mr. Holmes was expecting him. Quietly, he made his way up the stairs to the sitting room. Mr. Holmes had folded up his legs and was staring into the small fire. He turned to look at the boy questioningly.

Scarper Ed nodded. “You was right about all of it, Mr. Holmes. The man in the funny clothes won the fight but the peelers got him too.”

Mr. Holmes smiled like that was the best news he’d heard in a long time. “Excellent! You’ve more than earned your wage tonight.” He handed the boy a few coins and then paused. “There’s one more task I have for you, one that I’d be willing to pay a guinea for.”

Scarper Ed’s eyes widened. A whole guinea? Was he barking? And just what kind of task would Mr. Holmes be asking him to do at that price?

Mr. Holmes told him. Scarper Ed was surprised and relieved it was something so simple. And yet he couldn’t help but wonder why, if Mr. Holmes knew so much about what was going to happen, he didn’t just do it himself.

dr. who, fiction, watson's woes, crossover, july writing prompt, sherlock holmes

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