The next day, we get a visit from my wife's dad and stepmom.
"Did you get the birthday gift I sent you?" asks her stepmom.
"Uh-huh," I say.
She sent me a gift certificate to Saks Fifth Avenue.
"And? Did you like it?"
"Not really. I don't like gift certificates. It's like you're giving me an errand to run."
"Well, uh . . ."
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Nov 12, 2009 08:48
Damn you Kirkland! If I see another Ferrari, Lamborghini or Bentley, I'll start rollerskating to work with my "Nader Laduke 96 " shirt on.
Oct 01, 2009 19:11
Not moving back to SF.
I fought the law, and I won.
Sep 22, 2009 04:43
Got called indifferent :( I'm not. Just weary, cautious and subdued. I'd be a fool otherwise.
Sep 15, 2009 17:26
Having seen the 9/12 rally pics and video - I am convinced that this is the dawn of the much anticipated zombie apocalypse
Sep 13, 2009 15:44
Sors immanis
et inanis,
rota tu volubilis,
status malus,
vana salus
semper dissolubilis,
et velata
michi quoque niteris;
nunc per ludum
dorsum nudum
fero tui sceleris.
Aug 16, 2009 17:26
Returned from camping at Hax0r Isle to find 10k smelly hippies on my lawn. Hempfest should not be kid friendly IMNSHO.