(no subject)

Jan 10, 2012 23:02

Hello one more time, Polychromatic!

Voting on our gamewide poll is closed.

The majority of votes were in favor of moving Polychromatic to Dreamwidth.

Therefore, Polychromatic will be moving from Livejournal to Dreamwidth.

And the mods agree that, given Livejournal's recent difficulties and potential future changes, this will be the best course of action for the game.

The move will be taking place on Sunday, January 15. On that day, posting will officially move from LJ to DW.

Furthermore, we are waiving activity requirements for January because of this move.

However, because this is such a change, we have decided to revisit a topic of discussion--namely, should Polychromatic operate in a community-based or a journal-based posting format?

There are pros and cons to each format--journal-based posting allows one to keep one's own content even after leaving a game, but community-based posting eliminates the need for an add/remove list, &c. Please give both sides due consideration and vote in the following poll. We would like you to decide as regards this change. The majority will rule in this poll as in the other.

This poll is open until Friday, January 13th.


As before, while we would prefer you to use this poll, you may also contact us by email (polychromatic.mods@gmail.com) with your response if LJ is giving you difficulties of any sort.

A few more things:

→ Please join [poly_chromatic], [tampered], [poly_tldr], and [thatrainbowcity] with your character journal(s). These will be our main communities on DW. (Alas, the name "polychromatic" was already taken by a personal journal! How can this be? Also! if the mods of poly_crack would like to set up a crack comm for Poly on DW, please do. That's all up to you, but spread the word if you create one!)

→ This poll is still on-going, but you may go ahead and post in your DW journal if you would like, but please be aware that some players may only be checking LJ. We certainly encourage crossposting from DW to LJ for the time being. We know the game is kind of on hold while the move is going on. We are working on importing our communities and getting everything set up as we'd like. Moving is something of a gradual process, but we would like to have at least the basics completed by the 15th.

→ We recommend that everyone use poly_chromatic's members list for the time being to keep up with any character posts that may be made on DW. Once this poll closes, we will either rebuild the add/remove list or open poly_chromatic for posting with character journals (and we will be using [thatrainbowcity] for mod posts and announcements). Please be aware that if the game stays journal-based, it may take a day or two for us to rebuild the add/remove list and you may have to use the member list for a little while after January 15th.

→ If you are going to be using a journal on DW with a different username than the one you have now, please reply to the first comment in this post with both your old and your new usernames. Please do not reply if your journal name is the same on both sites.

→ Please comment to the new [Taken List] with your character(s). This will be a fresh start and will help us to update the Taken List.

→ Please bear with us while we work on making these changes. We will do our best to get everything up and running as soon as possible.

We will also be making another post here in POLYchromatic and mirrored on the Dreamwidth equivalent (poly_chromatic) with the results of the poll, what those results will mean, and a few final notes and suggestions before the 15th.

Thank you, POLYchromatic! We'll see you on the other side!
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