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Characters played:
Garrus Vakarian :: Mass Effect :: officer_garrus
Lockdown :: Transformers: Animated :: ruthless_hunter
Gin Rummy :: The Boondocks :: classywigger
Vicente Valtieri :: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion :: servessithis
Anonymous allowed/encouraged? Y/N: Sure, why not?
Other comments? Couple things I just want to get out of the way. First, I'm well aware that Lockdown never used the word "meatbag" in canon, but I figure "human" is just too boring a word for him. Also, it's a personal in-joke to a previous RP he was in where he picked up the term.
Also, I've been worried that my Vicente is too boring. Doesn't help that he's so secretive.
Glimpsing at his posts, I don't find Vicente particularly boring. Hmmmm. Maybe throw him around people's way a bit more? From what very little I've learned about his canon, he's quite married to the job - and you did mention his penchant for secrecy too - I imagine those two things can't help with getting him around, but maybe if you motivated it as... his need to get more information for the brotherhood? orz.
I've actually been thinking of doing a small plot where he forms a Brotherhood chapter in the City, if only to give him something to actually do.
And Gin Rummy~! He always makes for interesting posts and threads. I've kind of tossed my Jill into a few threads with him and they're always fun too.
Yeah, it's fun playing an idiot wigger who swears a lot ^^
Also, I only said that concern because I have been criticized in the past for taking some liberties with character vocabulary and even just making references to The Fallen just because he wasn't mentioned in that particular continuity.
Especially since Lockdown was only in three episodes out of the entire show. He was pretty much "the creepy bounty hunter who specializes in body horror", though he did get a little more personality revelation in his second episode. Sometimes you have to take what little is revealed and expand upon it.
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