How's My Driving?!

Aug 29, 2011 01:10


How It Works:
[1] List your name/nickname/handle and your characters for which you would like some feedback (use our handy form, if you like). Open hands, await feedback.

[2] Go forth and leave some polite thoughts, crit, questions, concerns, comments, suggestions, general feedback, or any combination of the above for your fellow players about their respective characters. In this, we really encourage you to ask questions and get explanations about what has gone into characterization decisions. Communication is key. Find out what went into an action or decision and you may come to understand it better. Let's talk it out.

[3] Please try to be polite and constructive. Can't stress that enough, can we? Give suggestions and ask questions! Be constructive! But please refrain from using "placeholder" comments. HMD isn't going anywhere, I promise.

[4] Please also refrain from posting pictures, animated .gifs, videos, giant text, sparklies, blinking and moving tags, and &c. outside of collapsed threads. For the sake of our sanity and our load times.

[5] As per our community poll, Anonymous is off. We'd also like to request that sockpuppets not be used on this HMD. You are welcome to post a link to a personal HMD thread where Anonymous is allowed, if you so choose; these threads are your own lookout.

[6] If you'd like, you can also list your personal HMD posts and contact posts over in the POLYchromatic Rainbow Pages directory.

The Form:
Player name:
Characters played: Character :: Fandom :: Character LJ
Personal concrit link:
Anonymous allowed/encouraged? Y/N:
Other comments?

To the best of my abilities, I'll keep an ongoing and alphabetical list of the HMD comments on this post here below for easy reference.

A - HI - PQ - Z

Alex I [Rosella, Finnick]
Alms [Brian, Allison, Neil, Frankie, Tommy]
Ara [Nick]
Arwing [Garrus, Lockdown, Gin, Vincente]
Ary [Raphael]
Ashley [Fran]
Audrey [Edward, Amory, Ben]
B/k [Hiyori, Demyx, Capt. Hammer, Angua]
Bon [Caspian, Mr. Orange, Shira]
Brent [Kazari]
Caru [Cain, Maria, TMWNN]
Catharine [Jezebel]
Cella [Haru, Mae]
Chibi/Tona [Cameron, Amy, Tessa]
Dawn [Mara, Cinna, Haji]
Duet [Yeager]
Ellie [Ginny]
Eri [Castiel, Faith, Donna]
Faith [Fred]
Felicity [Genesis]
Gorse [Jade]
Haunt [Euphemia]

Illu [Belphegor, Akito/Agito]
Jane [Yuri, Hope, Hitagi]
Jansen [Tenth Doctor]
Jei [Neil, TARDIS]
Jules [Mukuro]
Juni [Snake]
Kestrel [Florian, Luc]
KGaara/Yuki [Aion, Klarth]
Kristi [Dean, Buffy, Lucy, Spencer, Ryan, Rose, Myrnin]
Laura [William]
Leah [Campbell, Rory, Eridan]
Lee [Huey]
Lief [Guy, Sodia]
Lila [Tyr]
Lisa [Dawn, Derek, Jill]
Lucie [Lenalee, Nana]
Luna Quiche [Kohaku]
Lysoke [Jack, Cassian]
Maddie [Jamie, Kururu]
Marion [Stephen, Dulcie, George]
Mary [Claire]
Melon [Saya]
Mici [Eden, Saya, Billy, Edmund, Lucy, Kenny, Peeta, Mr. Pink, Capt. America]
Molly [Susan, House, Mr. White]
Muffin [Sakura]
Nyte [Piglet, Rido]
Pixie [Nathan]

Rae[Wilson, Todd]
Rizu [Mizuno, Araragi]
Ruxi [Hibari, Rosiel]
Saffy [Luke]
Starrah [Angela]
Thorn [Kazu, Alan]
Xae [Mary]
Zekoi [Mithos]
Zen [Rita]

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