(no subject)

Jul 13, 2010 17:56

The difference between a rut and a grave is the depth.

Maybe you noticed this, maybe you didn't! Regardless, no one is refuting that gravestones showed up on Monday in the City's cemetery.

But what does it mean for you? More importantly, what does it mean for your characters? This post is here to ask for volunteers as...


Yes what better way to determine if the Deities killed your weekend guests or not by checking for the bodies? As Bertol's post stated, there are no corpses in the ground but there is something else if you dig deep enough. Does anyone have a character dedicated to unearthing this mystery? Pun intended. We the mods are looking for up to 2 but no more than 5 volunteers to find out.

List is CLOSED for now!

1. primrosella or prefers_chess
2. oshutup
3. pharles_at_life
4. dude_imbatman
5. whackaspirit
6. absinthe_eyed
7. sword_boy
8. contaminations

Ideally at least one of these is a character who died in the City with a player looking for a way to regain complete life, without a Deity Trade. Unfortunately characters with slugs cannot participate in this plot. More details will follow by email for the volunteers. If after reading the email a volunteer wishes to step down from participation then we will contact the next person who expressed interest but was unable to be included in the original 5. How long the plot lasts and when it can officially begin will be determined by the players involved so that the plot is positioned at a time best for them. With that said, your characters can still dig into the graves without being part of this plot! This is just for those who wish to dig much deeper than 6ft under, oh yeah and there's that not-being-City!Dead part too ♥
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