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Jul 12, 2010 16:35

[The camera clicks on to show two very white, very polished shoes, still except for the small indications of movement every now and then. Eventually, the feed pans back to include Bertol in the frame, and though there is no sound, it's obvious that the conversation taking place is heated, at least on this deity's end. He gestures wildly, to the side, a great sweeping motion, and suddenly the light changes and it is much easier to see the pristine quality of his white suit and the degree of satisfaction on his smug face.

The audio finally connects as well.]

- at's better. [Bertol smiles at the camera, showing off all of his pearly whites.] Good evening, Citizens. With Lala otherwise occupied, it's fallen on my shoulders to keep you informed, and while normally I would present you with new and exciting facts with a little more flavor, the overall sobering nature of the question I'm -

[Something falls and Bertol looks off over the edge of the camera, annoyed.]

Jesus Christ, Jenny, will you hold the fuck still for five fucking seconds so I can just do this fucking thing and get out of here? It's not that fucking hard. Any other bitch with half a brain cell could do it. [A shake of the head.] Can't fucking find good interns in this place. You know what you can find? New attractions in this shitty ass cemetery. No lines, no height restrictions, just some new names that might've become familiar this past weekend. What better way to remember those faces you got so attached to for the past two days? Don't say we never do anything nice for you.

[Another toothy smile and a nice thumbs up to really used-car-salesman the delivery. His face quickly falls back into exasperation and Bertol plucks the mic off of his lapels and picks a small, thin, white object out of his breast pocket to suck on.]

We're done now, you can turn that goddamn thing o-

[ooc: Explanation! After the events of this past 4th Wall weekend, the graveyard has been populated with graves for all the individuals who visited except for the individuals who are already in the City. So if a future or alternate version of Barney visited the in-play Barney's friends this weekend, there would not actually be a tombstone for that character. Also, if characters do try to dig the new graves, they will not actually find bodies. Keep a look out for more information on this!]
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