Fic - Electric Sheep #10

May 20, 2007 23:28

Title: Electric Sheep (10/13)
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Jack/Ianto/Ianto (Iefan)
Summary: Jack has been back at Torchwood Three for a few months now. He was fine with that; until he began to uncover a pattern in what had seemed to be random, unconnected murders. More urgent matters to attend to than sex, but how could Jack resist a threesome?! But is this the calm - albeit a hot, sweaty, sticky calm - before the storm?

NB - idle-myrmidon gifted me with some lovely art for this part - lookee!

Electric Sheep #10

Jack's eyelids flew open, a look almost akin to guilt but more certainly of apology writ large on his face. He wriggled round in Iefan's arms. "How long have you been…? Ianto, what are you doing?" Stupid question. Ianto was stepping out of the shadows from behind the ladder, wearing one of his patented inscrutable expressions.

"I thought you should know. Gwen and Owen have reported in a couple of positive IDs of Dan. He's been hitting the tourist trail, apparently. Not exactly keeping a low profile."

Jack noted that his jacket was absent, his shirt sleeves rolled up. Perhaps he'd been his usual busy self, feeding the weevils, or cleaning up the archives; had only just caught the tail-end of his and Iefan's conversation... "Really? He's got us hiding out in here while he struts around the city? Gotta admire his confidence, I guess." He raised himself up on one elbow, all too conscious of the way Iefan's arm was still draped around his waist. If he didn't know himself better he'd say that he was uncomfortable at being caught like this. Embarrassed, even. "So where are they now?"

"I told them to go home. Tosh too. But Owen's on stand-by, incase he's needed." A flicker of amusement played across his face, but was swiftly suppressed. "I take it that's alright, Jack. Not over-stepping my authority?"

Jack narrowed his eyes. "I did leave you in charge" he said slowly. "So, what have you been up to?"

"Monitoring the situation. From your office. For most of the time."

"Most of the time?" He should have known! He must have crept down here when Jack's attention was otherwise engaged. Jack was getting a crick in his neck from looking up at Ianto, and that wasn't exactly the only reason he was feeling somewhat at a disadvantage. "Did you two plan this?"

"We're not that devious Jack." Ianto smiled, sinking to his knees beside the bed. "Are we?"

Iefan shifted behind Jack and began nibbling at his shoulder, seemingly perfectly at ease. If they had planned this, then maybe, just maybe… "I know you are!" Jack said fondly, reaching out to ruffle Ianto's hair. "So, care to join us?" Not that he held out much hope, but it was worth a shot.

Ianto licked his lips. "That would be extremely… inappropriate, don't you think?"

"More inappropriate than you spying on us? Oh, don't try to deny it Ianto. I know you too well! You caught the whole show, didn't you?"

"Difficult to miss it. You were both rather vocal."

"I seem to remember you being rather vocal yourself. In the old days" Jack added with a slight pout.

Ianto glanced at Iefan. "Times change, don't they."

"They didn't have to" Jack said softly. "I was man enough to admit I missed us. How about you?"

"I did miss you, when you were… away. We all did."

"Aw, come on Ianto." Stubborn as ever; but at least he's still here, Jack thought. "Okay, at least take some time out and get comfortable. Not that the sight of you on your knees doesn't bring back some happy memories…"

Iefan made an irritated noise in the back of his throat and bit down hard on Jack's shoulder.

"Hey!" Jack protested.

"Ignore him, Ianto. But why not do it for me? Just for a few minutes."

"There's a killer on the loose, incase you've forgotten. Shouldn't we be a little more, uh, pro-active? Anyway, there's no room. I always said you should have a bigger bed, Jack."

"Plenty of room" Iefan insisted, wriggling back towards the wall and pinching Jack's thigh until he moved over too. "And plenty of time. Let's keep Dan waiting. Knock that confidence just a little bit."

Ianto puffed out his cheeks. "This is just wrong, on so many levels" he huffed, but climbed up onto the bed nevertheless.

"Oh yeah, dirty, bad and wrong." Jack's tone was gleeful. "Can't beat it!"

Ianto settled down on his side, one arm tucked under his head, the other resolutely resting on his hip. "Bloody bedframe's digging in" he grumbled.

"Oh, quit complaining!" Jack slipped his arm beneath Ianto's and tugged him in closer. "Is that better?"

"A bit" Ianto admitted grudgingly.

Ianto's shirt buttons grazed against Jack's chest, his warm breath tickling his face; and behind him, Iefan was nestling up against his back, moulding his body to Jack's. A perfect fit. As a distraction from the real and dangerous world above, it didn't get much better than this. "You always did moan about this bed, but I knew you'd be back in it sooner or later."

"You're so fucking full of yourself Jack."

"He's quite something, isn't he?" Iefan remarked, reaching across Jack to stroke Ianto's arm. "Hate to dent your ego Jack, but he hasn't been going short."

To Jack's surprise, Ianto didn't flinch away from Iefan's touch. Interesting. "Oh really? Care to enlighten me, Ianto?" Jack playfully slapped Ianto's buttocks. Not as satisfying as it might have been, what with Ianto still in his suit pants. Nothing quite like the sound of a flat palm on a bare ass, Jack mused.

Ianto wriggled against him, raising his head a little to scowl at Iefan. "Bastard!"

Iefan grinned. "But he should know, Ianto. You're worth having and some people appreciate that."

"Some people? How many are we talking about?"

Ianto lowered his eyes. "Just one. Every now and again. It's nothing, really."

"But she keeps coming back for more, doesn't she?" Iefan pressed on.

"Do I know her?" Jack asked, his mind racing through the possibilities.

Ianto groaned. "Maybe. But it's nothing" he insisted again, cheeks flushing.

"Ianto…" Jack was intrigued. "You're blushing!"

"She doesn't think very highly of you. Of any of us, really."

"She knows about Torchwood? That's not good."

"Half the city knows about us Jack. They just don't understand what we do."

"True. So, she knows about us, doesn't really approve. But she's made an exception of you?" Jack probed.

"Kathy, you said her name was Kathy, didn't you?" Iefan chipped in helpfully.

"Holy fuck!" Jack exclaimed. "You don't mean…?"

"Just remembered" Ianto deflected hastily, attempting to edge back off the bed. "I have urgent business to attend to."

"Oh yes, you most certainly do!" Jack held on to him tightly. "Right here!"

"I have no intention of telling you about it Jack, so you may as well let me go."

"But, you and Kathy!"

"You make it sound as if she's out of my league. Thanks for that." Ianto's eyes flashed. "Anyway, she was very helpful when you just disappeared without a word."

"Ouch. But, yeah. Sounds like it! So who's using who in this cosy little inter-agency liaison?"

"It's not like that Jack, and we haven't… liaised for weeks. And you're showing far too much interest in this" Ianto observed, raising his eyebrows in disapproval as Jack's body betrayed exactly how much interest.

"The mind pictures are kinda fun" Jack admitted with a smirk. "But really? It's all about you guys. Been a while since I was the filling in such a hot sandwich."

"If you really want me to stay, this is not a good time for one of your stories Jack" Ianto warned. "And that can keep its distance" he added, sliding his arm out from between Iefan's and Jack's. He flicked at Jack's cock with thumb and forefinger. "I know where it's been."

"The Welshman doth protest too much, methinks" Jack laughed, squirming enthusiastically. "And you should know, that was kinda hot. Chastise me again, Ianto!"

"Oh god, see what I have to put up with?" Ianto rolled his eyes and made another attempt to disentangle himself from Jack.

"You two talk too much" Iefan sighed, levering himself out from behind Jack. "But about all the wrong things."

"You started it!" Jack and Ianto both accused at the same time.

"My mistake." Iefan scrambled to his feet, the bed creaking and dipping beneath him as he moved to stand over both men. "Look…" he said, hands on hips.

"Oh, I'm looking!" Jack interrupted.

"Shut up Jack!"

"Both of you, just be quiet for a moment! Okay? Good. Now, I can either leave you to your bickering. And you know it's the kind of foreplay that isn't going to get you anywhere with him these days, Jack" Iefan scolded.

"Not liking that. Or?"

"Or we can all go back upstairs and start taking some action about Dan…"

"You said we should make him wait…" Ianto was hesitant, distracted by the scar tissue shining on Iefan's leg. "Oh" he said quietly, tentatively reaching out to touch.

Iefan's expression softened. "Or…"

"Yes?" Jack held his breath, watching transfixed as Ianto's fingers slowly traced down Iefan's shin.

"Or, we can help Ianto feel more comfortable."

Jack exhaled slowly. "Liking that much better."

"But we all have to agree." Iefan lowered himself to his knees, hands on both men's hips. "Ianto?" When Ianto remained wide-eyed and quiet, Iefan nodded and shuffled further down the bed.

"Man, you're good" Jack mouthed silently to him, safe in the knowledge that Ianto was utterly preoccuppied with the movements of his twin.

"You two were giving me a headache." Iefan smiled slowly, trailing his fingers down their thighs. "How did you ever stop long enough to actually get anything done? No, don't answer that!" he added, as Jack's eyes crinkled in amusement. "I can guess. Hard to argue when your mouth's otherwise engaged. Right, Ianto?"

"Something like that" Ianto sighed.

"Well, maybe we should put that into practice again…"

Undressing Ianto was a leisurely affair. Jack plumped up the pillows and coaxed a remarkably compliant Ianto onto his back as Iefan removed his shoes and socks and placed them carefully on the floor. That was something he had seen Ianto do for himself a hundred times before. Strange how he had always been so neat and precise when undressing for Jack in the Hub; back at his own place he'd never seemed to care so much, clothes carelessly abandoned wherever they'd happened to fall. Jack smiled at the memory, gently easing Ianto out of his tie as Iefan crawled up alongside them.

"That's a very good tie" Iefan approved, removing it from Jack's fingers and rolling it neatly. "Actually, I think I had one just..." Realising his mistake, he abruptly cut himself off.

"You did." For a moment, Ianto's eyes filled with pain. "It's yours."

"Sshh." Iefan pressed a finger against Ianto's lips for a second or two. "Not now. Don't think about it. Jack, I'll carry on here. You're needed elsewhere."

Ianto's eyes were fixed on Iefan's chest as Jack took the hint and retreated. "I don't have that" he whispered, stroking the mole beneath Iefan's left nipple.

"I told you we were different. Small ways like this. And other important ways. You're your own man. Never forget it." He bent forward, light kisses peppering Ianto's brow as he began to slip the shirt buttons free.

"We shouldn't be doing this" Ianto breathed, as Iefan worked his way down his chest.

"Only if you say so. We'll stop whenever you want us to. Promise. Right Jack?"

Jack already had Ianto's trouser button undone; just a hint of darkish hair revealed by the little vee the opening made. He licked his lips, more out of an unexpected nervousness than a lascivious declaration of intent, and forced himself to answer. "We're in your hands, Ianto."

"That's not how it looks from here."

"Well trust me, it is. We are." Iefan raised him up a little, easing him out of his shirt.

"Just leave it" Ianto murmured as Iefan began to fold it, sinking back down into the pillows with a sigh of surrender.

Jack tried not to gape as Iefan shrugged and dropped it to the floor. Wow, progress indeed! As Iefan settled down beside Ianto, tucking an arm beneath his twin's shoulders, Jack's fingers hovered over the zipper. "Time to unwrap?"

For the first time tonight Ianto looked scared; but he nodded his consent.

"Alright then." Jack carefully slid the zipper down; an inch, no more than that. A bead of sweat rolled from his brow, dripping onto the partly-exposed curls. The thick outline of Ianto's erection was all too visible, still trapped inside his trousers. Go slow, Jack told himself, running the heel of his hand along its length. Give him time to change his mind. Ianto's eyes glittered in the half-light, pupils dilated, as Jack unzipped him fully. But the second he peeled back the fabric and Ianto's cock sprang free, Jack's misgivings were forgotten. Oh so hard; begging to be played with, to be sucked. His own erection bobbed urgently, but it wasn't going anywhere; he could wait. Tugging the material a little further down, Jack glanced to Iefan, eyebrows raised in question.

Iefan's smile was calm and contented as he lazily stroked himself. "Don't worry about me, Jack."

Pity, Jack thought. Someone else should be giving Iefan that attention… But don't push it. He discarded the trousers, before parting Ianto's thighs and moving to kneel between them. Jack started carefully, slowly tracing a line around the base of Ianto's cock. "More?" He knew what the answer would be, of course; the hitch in Ianto's breathing spoke volumes as Jack fingered his way up the side to the head. Lightly brushing the glans and tip, Jack bent forward. His eyes flicked between Iefan and Ianto. Damn, but those four nipples were too cute and stiff to ignore! Wrapping his hand around Ianto's shaft, he gently squeezed; at the same time teasing first Iefan's nipples then Ianto's with his tongue and teeth.

"Feel good?" he mumbled against Ianto's skin.

"You know it does." Ianto's voice was husky, one arm falling limply to the bed, the other to Iefan's thigh, as Jack pulled just a little before releasing his grip.

Jack continued to explore, brushing a single fingertip around the head of Ianto's cock, seeking the sweet spot that he knew would make him squirm. Yes! He left off the nipple play so as to watch Ianto's face as he increased the speed of his strokes. "Ready for some tongue?" he asked, shifting position.


The first flick at his head had Ianto moaning, raising his hips to meet Jack's tongue, reaching for his right hand. With slow, delicate strokes Jack began to lick around the underside; then down and up the entire length of his shaft, flicking out as he reached the head again, teasing the glans with the tip of his tongue, before moistening his lips and sliding him into his mouth. For a moment or two Ianto's movements ceased, then as Jack sucked him further inside he grasped his hand more tightly and began the smallest of rocking motions with his hips. Slowly, slowly sliding in a little deeper with every downward motion Jack made.

Sucking down on his cock, sucking up, licking the head, sliding back down. Breathing out, breathing in. Ianto's body began to rock in motion with Jack's, to the rhythm of his tongue, of his mouth, as he took him in deeper. He was groaning now, moving more forcefully… and then his moans were stifled. Jack risked a glance up. Iefan was kissing him and how; their lips parted, tongues flicking and licking. Both men gasped, exchanging hot breath, as Ianto finally wrapped his fist around Iefan's cock.

The small room suddenly felt unbearably hot. Concentrate, Jack told himself, tearing his gaze away as Ianto slid into his throat. Now tighten, swallow, breathe in, out. He drew back, inhaling deeply, watching in fascination as Ianto sensuously caressed Iefan, between quick up and down strokes. Jack would have been happy to sit back and play the voyeur, but Ianto's hips were thrusting up towards him once more, urging him on. So he plunged back down, swallowing hard as he felt Ianto in his throat again.

When Jack felt Iefan's fingers curling around his aching erection, thumb and forefinger forming a ring as he pumped Jack slowly down and up, their circle was complete.


"This time you're going to let me go." Ianto laughed, wriggling free of the two sweaty, sticky men. "I need coffee."

"We'll all come."

"We already did." Jack grinned, rolling into the space recently vacated by Ianto. "But yeah, give an old guy a minute and I'll join you."

"Take as long as you like. Both of you." Ianto stooped down and kissed first Jack then Iefan on the cheek. "It's only eight o'clock. Plenty of time to clean up, eat, and then hit the streets."

"No-one's hitting the streets but me" Iefan insisted.

"No-one's hitting the streets until we've talked this through again."

"Now who's bickering?" Ianto scolded. "Discuss it, make a decision, then share it over coffee." He gathered up his clothes under one arm and headed off up the ladder.

"For a moment, just a moment, you were jealous" Iefan teased as he watched Ianto leave. "About Kathy."

Jack gave a slow smile. "Life's too long for jealousies."

"Most people would say life's too short…"

"I'm not most people."

"No. No, you're not."

"And I'm horny, not stupid. You two really worked me over there."

"We didn't plan all of it. Honestly."

"Whatever. But you got my attention. I'm prepared to listen. Run it by me again."

Jack's voice was sleepy, but Iefan knew better than to underestimate him. Time to fill in the gaps. "I wasn't being entirely honest before. When I told you about Dan."

"You didn't say all that much, as I recall" Jack yawned. "Joined Torchwood together, had a few beers on a Friday night…"

"And he introduced me to Lisa, yes. Ianto remembers all that. What he doesn't know is how those Friday nights used to end up. No-one knew, not even the Torchwood control freaks, apparently."

"And you said you two weren't close" Jack chided, stretching lazily, wiggling his toes.

"It was a casual thing, didn't last long. But we stayed friends, even when I fell for Lisa. Used to sneak out for a fag break… cigarettes" he clarified as Jack snorted.

"You smoked?!"

"Something else that didn't last long." Iefan smiled, scratching his stubbled chin across Jack's chest. "And the breaks were mostly bitching sessions about Yvonne. But do you want to hear my theory, or give me a lecture?"

"Try me."

"Dan didn't die. I just assumed he was still in the Discovery, but I didn't actually see him. Maybe he needed to pee, too…"

"Go on."

"Well, how was I overlooked when Torchwood cleared up the wreckage? They'd have finished the job if they'd found me, not just left me there."

"Yeah, that's been bugging me too."

"I don't know how he did it, but what if he made sure they couldn't find me?"

"That's quite a stretch. And it doesn't alter the fact that he kept well away from you until last night."

"I'm not so sure. Remember how I thought there was someone else there, when I killed his… his double?"

"Stretching to breaking point now." Jack was waking up fast. He sat up on the bed and grasped Iefan's shoulder. "And he's been on quite a killing spree lately. Got up a full head of steam. Might not stop to ask questions. He might regret the case of mistaken identity, but by then it'd be too late."

"I wish you could trust me on this" Iefan sighed. "We could clear up this whole thing if I just got to talk to him."

"We can take him down, bring him in for questioning."

"You think he'd co-operate? I wouldn't, in those circumstances. And someone could get hurt in the attempt. I don't want to be a party to that. And I don't want Dan hurt either."

"And if he's another fake?"

"I still don't. It wouldn't be his fault. And Jack, you still trust Ianto, even though… You don't want to see anything happen to him, so why can't you understand?"

"It's not the same thing." Jack frowned. "Or, is it?" He looked keenly at Iefan. "Well, is it?"

"If you mean do I have the same kind of feelings for Dan as you do for Ianto..." Jack inhaled sharply at that. "Oh come on Jack! But the answer is no. Never did, don't now. But he was my friend. And I think he saved my life. I owe him a chance to explain."

"You need that, don't you?" Jack was resigned. Iefan would find a way, possibly with Ianto's help, if he didn't play along.

"I do, Jack."

"Then compromise. You go out looking for him, but I'll have your back." And Owen, he'd call on Owen too. "And Ianto will track us every step of the way. We'll be in constant communication and at the first sign of trouble…"

"If we can handle you, we can handle anything!" Iefan responded eagerly. "Thank you Jack." He wrapped his hand around Jack's neck and kissed him urgently. "Thank you!"


There at least should have been the rich aroma of fresh coffee by now, but when the only scent to assail his nostrils was that of rubbery cheese from left-over pizza, Jack's temples began to throb. Ianto should have been sitting smirking in Jack's office, or at any rate at one of the workstations right outside the door, but when Jack caught sight of the suit jacket and trousers, neatly folded and placed on the couch, his guts roiled. He wouldn't. He couldn't have!

Jack punched frantically at keys, voice booming out on loudspeaker, his panic echoing around the near-deserted Hub. "Ianto! Where the fuck are you? Ianto!"

Iefan arrived at his shoulder, breathless and dishevelled, staring disbelievingly at the footage Jack was pulling up on the screen. "Oh no, no, no!"

"Did you two plan this as well?" Jack spat out, face like thunder.

"Christ Jack, how can you think that?"

No. No, of course they hadn't. Iefan and Ianto already cared for each other very deeply. Any fool could see that. No way would Iefan be complicit in allowing his twin to put himself pointlessly at risk. He shook his head. "I don't. Shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry." Jack was suddenly brought up short by Ianto's challenge of months ago. 'I'd make the sacrifice. Would you?' Fuck it, there was no need for this! No need at all! "But he's gone! And we better find him…"

For the first time since they'd met, Iefan looked as if he was about to break apart. "…before Dan does."

On to #11

jack/ianto, jack/ianto (iefan), fic-slash, torchwood fic, torchwood

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