Fic - Time Out #7

Feb 14, 2007 21:07

Title: Time Out #7
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Setting: Post-Out Of Time
For smut_69 - prompt #2 writhe
Progress: 19/69
My Jack/Ianto Smut Table

Time Out #7

That had to have been the most satisfying, noisy, messy, purging, fabulous fuck he'd had in… hell, a very long time! And all the better for being unexpected. Oh sure, their first sex of the night had been amazing too. All that preamble, the long, slow build-up of teasing and toying and exploring each other's bodies, the hours of arousal. Not to mention the fact that Ianto had been so far gone he'd let Jack go bareback, and dry… well, apart from saliva and champagne fizz. They didn't count, in Jack's book.

He'd been sure to keep his hands well away from Ianto's cock; Jack's rhythmic pounding had been jolting his body more than enough, repeatedly forcing him down into the pillows. Judging by the grunts he'd been making, the friction had been painfully exquisite; and Jack was an expert at hitting just the right angle to give any man more stimulation than he could handle for long. Not that Ianto's rush to climax had mattered at all. Jack had been more than happy to keep right up with him, thrusting even deeper and harder, increasing the pressure on his own cock. It had been intense, the intoxication of feeling Ianto orgasming around him, his violent contractions triggering Jack's own deep in his ass, at the base of his cock, up the length of his shaft. You'd think they hadn't come for weeks, the amount and force of semen they'd both shot!

They'd stayed glued together, sticky and panting, for the longest time until finally Jack had eased himself out and off and collapsed back onto the bed. They didn't speak, but the silence was comfortable, and when Jack rolled onto his side, Ianto followed, nestling up against his back. A perfect fit. And Jack had slept, actually slept, untroubled and dreamless. He had no idea for how long; could have been minutes, felt like hours. All he knew was that, as he'd begun drifting back to a dim awareness, there had been hot, moist lips pressing against the nape of his neck, a gentle hand stroking down his thigh.

Although still half-asleep, Jack's body had given every indication of being wide awake, his cock twitching enthusiastically as the kisses had continued on down his back. Ianto's mouth had just happened upon his second errogenous Achilles heel; the little dimple at the base of his spine, right above his cleft. As his tongue made tiny circles over exactly the right spot, Jack had been moaning, wriggling, ready to move things along. He'd tried to squirm around, had hungrily groped for Ianto's hard-on, but it hadn't been what Ianto wanted. Not at all.

"Don't" Ianto had murmured, taking Jack's hand and placing it back on the bed. "Just… let me know if I'm getting it wrong."

That had been all kinds of adorable, and a less experienced, universe-weary man might have melted a little inside... "Or getting it right?"

Ianto had given a small, self-deprecating laugh at that, his warm breath caressing Jack's skin. "No expectations, Jack. I'm nervous enough already!"

"I'm in your hands" Jack had reassured him, settling back onto his side, smiling into his pillow. "Experiment all you like."

Jack had known already what Ianto could do with those hands, of course, but having the luxury of time and the good sense to appreciate them fully had been a whole new experience. There'd been a brief delay in proceedings, as Ianto manoeuvred around behind him, but the next time he'd touched Jack it had been with oily fingers and palm. It wasn't as if Jack hadn't been on the receiving end of more inventive or technically more proficient partners, but there was just something about his touch.

Pressed up against Jack's back, the crook of his elbow resting on his hip, he'd been tentative at first, lightly and slowly running a finger up the underside of Jack's cock, seeking out his most sensitive spot. Steadily growing in confidence, though, he'd picked up on what worked for Jack; sometimes asking, other times responding naturally to the hitches in his breathing or his exclamations of pleasure as he'd pinched, squeezed and teased his way up and down Jack's shaft. With thousands of happy little nerve endings tingling with excitement, there'd been plenty of vocal encouragements for Ianto to work from.

When he'd withdrawn his hand, Jack had been disappointed, but not for long. Ianto had only wanted to take time to encourage Jack to bend his left leg and roll a little further forward, and to reposition himself so that he could kneel between Jack's thighs, spreading them wider. And then his left hand had been back on Jack's genitals, fingertips gently stroking and kneading his balls, before slowly tracing a winding path up his shaft. Acutely aware of Ianto's wragged breathing as his right had made the first explorations of Jack's crack he'd helped him out a little, shifting just enough to allow him to take a firmer grip on his cock, whilst raising his backside to meet Ianto's fingers. They had been slick and soft, his massage light and circling, and Jack had thought it best to quieten down then, making his appreciation known with low moans and soft sighs as he'd worked his way in towards his opening. The calm before the storm, as it had turned out.

It had taken an age for Ianto to work up the courage to finger his ring, and as good as it had felt, Jack had wanted to feel him inside. "You can push a little harder, lover."

"Sure you want me to do this?"

"Right now!" Jack had insisted more roughly, pushing back himself to leave no room for doubt. They'd both gasped as one finger slid inside. "That's good, so good. Now, try feeling your way around… Just a bit further… Hot damn! Can you feel that?"

"God, yes!"

"Wanna try it with that lovely Welsh cock of yours, huh?"

"You know I do!"

"All oiled up and ready?"

"What do you think?" Ianto, now sure enough of himself to joke, had guided himself to Jack's entrance, taking a deep breath before pushing once, then again, and again until his cockhead penetrated. "God, Jack!" Another gentle thrust, and another.

"Oh yeah, you're a natural!" Jack had enthused, rolling his hips as Ianto started up slow back-and-forth movements which took him in further each and every time. "Holy fuck!" he'd yelled, throwing back his head as Ianto's cock hit just the right spot. "Fast learner! Yeah, right there!" He'd bucked back against Ianto at the second nudge from his swollen tip; couldn't stop himself. "Keep it comin'!" he'd panted, face contorted and burning. "You'll know when to go deeper."

And man, had he ever! He'd taken his time, slowing down, speeding up, hand movements matching the rhythm of his internal strokes. But eventually Jack had wanted him harder, faster, deeper, now, and although Ianto hadn't needed Jack's vocal cues, he'd given then anyway. All the old cliches that were precisely that because they worked and were true had come pouring out; Ianto punctuating Jack's increasingly high-pitched demands with more guttural, unintelligible growls of his own as they'd writhed and sweated their way to ear-splitting, violent climax.


"Always knew you were a bottom who thought he was a top."

"You always said labels were so last century."

"You got me there" Jack had admitted, stretching, smiling, luxuriating in the moist warmth of their messy bed and the sweet ache in his muscles.

"But… was it… okay?"

"You have to ask? Hell, Ianto, the entire second floor knows it was more than okay!"

"Not too…?"

Ianto had been groping for the right words, and Jack felt he knew him well enough to understand his first-time insecurities. He'd never talked to him about his past lovers, but that wasn't to say Gwen hadn't let a few morsels of juicy gossip fall his way. If Ianto had been worrying about measuring up to twin acrobats, though, he'd never have got it up at all, surely! "What, too vanilla?" Jack had laughed quietly and pulled him into a tight hug. "No way, handsome! When we're ready for the tricksy stuff, we'll do the tricksy stuff. Right?"


"Ianto Jones, are you blushing? You just had your beautiful fat cock up my ass, you made me scream like a girl, and you're embarrassed now?"


Yeah, the most satisfying, noisy, messy, purging, fabulous fuck he'd had in a very long time, and Jack would have been happy to lie there with him for hours, reliving it. But Ianto was all business, showering and dressing as Jack slept again; now stretching across him to pick up his 'phone, a slight look of distaste playing on his face as he noticed the dried semen on the casing. "Oh my god" he muttered, eyes travelling to the heavily creased and stained sheets and damp pillows, the worst of which he had cast to one side sometime during the night. Hard to avoid lying in the damp patch when there were so many, quite frankly.

"Leave them, Ianto, people are paid to do that."

"It rates fairly highly on my job description, too."

"You're no chambermaid Ianto! Although, come to think of it… do any of them still wear black uniforms and crisp white aprons?" Jack grinned, enjoying the mental image.

"I believe the term room cleansing operative is more appropriate, sir. And no! Emphatically no!"

"Killjoy. And what's with the 'sir' all of a sudden?" Jack scrambled to his feet as Ianto gave every indication that he was about to walk out on him.

"It's past 7-00 sir, and I should be…"

"Hey hey hey!" Jack reached for his arm, pulled him back. "You're on duty when I say you are, and not a moment before."

"And that would be when, exactly?"

"When you take down the shutters of tourist information. If that's what you want."

"What about our cameras?"

"What about them?"

"Gwen and Tosh?" Ianto reminded him.

Jack sighed. "Alright then. Strictly hands-off in the plaza."

"I think that'd be wise. Don't you?"

Wise? Well, of course it would be wise and that's how Jack would have expected himself to want it to play out, too. Flaunting the fact that you were getting hot and heavy with one of your team really wouldn't be great for overall staff morale, he was prepared to accept Ianto's point on that one. If that's what really troubled him. It's just that sometimes, all Jack wanted was to be able to express himself naturally, have Ianto respond openly, and to hell with what anyone else might think or say. Maybe taking time out wasn't such a good idea afterall. It shone a bright light onto what you'd been missing out on all these years, made it harder to remember the many and good reasons why. Those complications he'd anticipated when he'd brought Ianto here, they weren't supposed to come from Jack's side of this intricate equation.

"My lovely sensible Ianto" he said softly, stroking his cheek. "Sometimes I wonder who's the real boss around here." A flicker of something in Ianto's eyes at that, but Jack didn't care to examine just what. Not right now. Instead he moved in for a kiss, naked body brushing up against Ianto's immaculate suit. He tasted great, smelt even better; and he responded with warmth, which was far more important, relaxing into the kiss now that his ground rules had been re-established. "So." Jack drew back a little, still cupping Ianto's face in his palms. He wanted a smile, and Ianto gave it freely, if a little shyly under Jack's scrutiny. Satisfied, he let his hands drop and turned towards the bathroom. "Give me a few minutes to clean up…"

"Okay. And Jack?" Ianto called after him, flopping down into a chair and switching on the TV news. "Any chance of breakfast on the way in? I'm bloody starving!"

Me too, Jack thought, and I hadn't even realised how much until last night… "Sure!" he replied brightly. "Or, y'know, we could call room-service…"

"We could… but I think I know what would happen then!" Ianto paused, glancing quickly at Jack before turning back to the TV. "Maybe next time?"

Ah, screw the complications! "You got yourself a date, Mr Jones" Jack grinned.

jack/ianto, smut_69, fic-slash, torchwood fic, torchwood

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