Title: Pilgrim
Author: Masu Trout
Rating: PG-13
Verse: Gameverse, Gen III
Characters: Red, Green, Leaf, Pikachu
Warnings/Notes: Character Death. Inspired by Slaughterhouse Five.
Summary: Death and rebirth, future and past. Red makes a deal with a being as old as time itself.
Flash to a point in time. )
Comments 12
I guess the only thing I can give a little crit about is the transition of 'Flash to a point in time'. I understand the repetitiveness and the use of it, but it got a little too repetitive for me near the last two parts of the fic. Maybe it has to do with the phrasing (like, it breaks the emotion you established too abruptly), or maybe it's just me. And other than that... I think the ending would leave a much bigger impact with the image of Leaf being lowered into the ground. Minus the ' ( ... )
Thanks again!
Excellent work and thanks for a great read <3
This was so heartwrenchingly beautiful. The little moments (especially the childhood scene) were written so well. The last scene had the most emotion, I think. "I just want to see her again," made me feel so horribly sad.
I really liked the idea on a whole. Celebi taking Red back in time to show all of the main events in his life was brilliant . . . you've inspired a new idea in me for my own entry! (hopefully I can finish it in time before the deadline, I'm crossing my fingers!)
Other than that, I didn't see any mistakes. But I loved this with all of my heart and then some more. :)
I agree with what Ibu and Bijouiee said - I think that "Flash to a point in time" is excessive - the repetitive structure of the sentence after it (Red is ___) is enough to let the reader see the parallels.
I also think your last line is excessive. It's enough to be a punch in the gut, and again, the "flash to a point in time" kind of takes away that.
Overall, beautiful and effective piece.
And I agree with your concrit-- it's very helpful, so thanks for that as well.
I'm really, really happry you liked it.
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