Title: Pilgrim
Author: Masu Trout
Rating: PG-13
Verse: Gameverse, Gen III
Characters: Red, Green, Leaf, Pikachu
Warnings/Notes: Character Death. Inspired by Slaughterhouse Five.
Summary: Death and rebirth, future and past. Red makes a deal with a being as old as time itself.
Flash to a point in time. )
I guess the only thing I can give a little crit about is the transition of 'Flash to a point in time'. I understand the repetitiveness and the use of it, but it got a little too repetitive for me near the last two parts of the fic. Maybe it has to do with the phrasing (like, it breaks the emotion you established too abruptly), or maybe it's just me. And other than that... I think the ending would leave a much bigger impact with the image of Leaf being lowered into the ground. Minus the 'I just want to see her again' and the parenthesis.
It drags the depressing feeling out too long, and by the end of the parenthesis, the impact is less apparent. The speech/parenthesis just don't draw out as much feelings as line before them, but that's just my opinion.
Still, great work!
Thanks again!
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