Day 6 || video/action for Cherrygrove into Route 30

Jun 26, 2011 21:09

[The video opens with Midori standing outside of the Cherrygrove inn, smiling brightly at the camera. All is well in her world once again, it seems.]

Hello everyone! All of my friends are awake now, so... We're heading out to Violet city today! If anyone wants to say goodbye to me or any of my friends, you'd better come do it now, because we're ( Read more... )

camgirl, derp

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video; striderismo June 27 2011, 01:20:20 UTC
[ Oh, look! A Houndoom. He inspects the 'Gear closely before moving away from it, revealing his trainer lounging on a couch. Dave's wearing his own shades again, the ones that were snatched some days back. ]

That one of the ones that was skulking around last week?


video; pokemondolly June 27 2011, 02:00:31 UTC
[Daijiro takes interest in this! He barks in a friendly manner at the pokegear.]

Yup! [She grins.] Got your shades back?


video; striderismo June 27 2011, 02:02:51 UTC
[ Snoop studies the 'Gear, then jerks his head in a near-perfect imitation of his own trainer's usual ultra-casual greeting. He woofs softly. 'Sup, kid? ]

Yeah, she brought them back the next day. Some guy let me borrow his shades that day, though; I still have to find him so I can give them back.


video; pokemondolly June 27 2011, 02:26:08 UTC
[Daijiro wags his tail happily and yips. He tries to look tough for his mistress, but he really is still a puppy.]

[Midori laughs.] You should really get backups. Do you know his name? Usually, you can find people on the gear if you know the name on their trainer card. [Nodnod!]


video; striderismo June 27 2011, 02:30:51 UTC
[ Snoop's tail wags, too, slowly. He is tough, see? And super-cool. ]

I had backups at home, but... yeah. [ A beat. ] Didn't get his name. [ He forgot. Just like he probably forgot to get your name when you met. Oh, Dave.... ]


video; pokemondolly June 27 2011, 02:55:03 UTC
[Daijiro has found a new idol. He adopts a submissive posture while still wagging his tail.]

Haven't found a good place to buy more here? [Midori frowns.] That's unfortunate. I guess you'll just have to wait until he makes a broadcast! Not good with names, huh?

[. . . Is it bad that I kinda want to have Midori send him these?]


video; striderismo June 27 2011, 04:36:44 UTC
[ Snoop watches him for a moment before breaking into an easy doggy grin, his tail picking up enthusiasm. ]

Haven't really looked. And if he'd told me his name, I'd remember it. ... Probably. [ Not. ]

[ l m a o he would make a post while wearing them to be ~*ironic*~ ]


video; pokemondolly June 27 2011, 05:04:59 UTC
[Have some happy puppy yipping, Snoop! He's very excited. There aren't any other dogs around where he is!]

[Midori giggles.] I used to be really bad with names, but I had to force myself to get better at it because I was meeting so many people who expected it...



video; striderismo June 28 2011, 22:44:24 UTC
[ Snoop's just gonna chill here and be vastly amused at this kid. D'aww, how cute. ]

Regular celebrity, huh? [ He knows not what he says, clearly. ]


video; pokemondolly June 28 2011, 23:46:39 UTC
[He's not even trying to talk to you. He's just being excited. Oh, Daijiro.]

Um... Kinda, yeah! I run a cosplay video blog and do photoshoots... It totally exploded and people recognize me all the time! It's pretty cool, except for the creepy guys who try to touch my hair or worse on the train...


video; striderismo June 30 2011, 00:04:52 UTC
[ Maybe Snoop needs to teach you the ways of being ~*cool*~, pup. ]

Oh, damn, girl. Heavy is the crown. [ He actually sounds somewhat sympathetic, though his tone isn't much different from the usual deadpan. ]


video; pokemondolly June 30 2011, 15:42:54 UTC
[Daijiro would like that! He has a cute lady Vulpix to impress over here!]

Yeah, sometimes is sucks... [And here she just grins.] But it did once lead to my best friend screaming at one of the worse guys. Worth it to see a tiny 15 year old girl terrify a guy who was probably in college.


video; striderismo June 30 2011, 23:16:56 UTC
[ Aww, ain't that cute. Yeah, Snoop will take care of you, kid. ]

Some guys just don't know how to handle chicks. [ Take that as you will. ]


video; pokemondolly July 1 2011, 00:32:04 UTC
[Daijiro is excited! Mentor get!]

They really don't. [She smiles.] But so far, everyone here's been pretty good about it, even the ones who know who I am.


video; striderismo July 1 2011, 00:42:49 UTC
[ First lesson: don't be so excited, bro. Just... chill. See? Snoop chills. ]

Good to hear. Let me know if I've gotta kick anyone's ass.


video; pokemondolly July 1 2011, 02:14:11 UTC
[Daijiro attempts to chill. But his tail's frantic wagging completely gives him away.]

[Oh, that got you a delighted giggle, Dave.] I will~ Thanks, Dave~


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