Day 6 || video/action for Cherrygrove into Route 30

Jun 26, 2011 21:09

[The video opens with Midori standing outside of the Cherrygrove inn, smiling brightly at the camera. All is well in her world once again, it seems.]

Hello everyone! All of my friends are awake now, so... We're heading out to Violet city today! If anyone wants to say goodbye to me or any of my friends, you'd better come do it now, because we're leaving as soon as everyone finds and returns their room keys! I think Daijiro ate Lottie's this morning, we can't seem to find it...

Oh! Oh! I haven't introduced him to the network yet! Everyone, meet my puppy!

[She turns the camera to point at the Houndour sitting at her side. He blinks irritably at the pokegear before losing interest and leaning his head against Midori's knee. She brings herself back into view.]

Isn't he cute? [Midori giggles.] He's a present from my friend Hiro! Thanks again, Hiro, you're the best~

Oh, one last thing before I go~ Anyone I've been talking to who's currently in Violet? Let me know so we can hang out when I get there! Bye now!

[She waves and turns off the camera.]

camgirl, derp

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