Day 5 || An update! [video]

Jun 19, 2011 15:11

[Oh look, it's Midori on the network again. What a huge surprise.

Her pokemon are in her lap, and she seems to be sitting on a cot of some kind.]

Hey everyone! I was wondering... Have people been waking up? Is catching these things working?

[She pauses.]

Oh, and for people who I've talked to and might be interested... I'm staying in Cherrygrove Inn with Lottie right now! We're sharing a room and taking care of Rarity together.

[Oh, right!]

Oh! I haven't broadcast that yet! Rarity's friends, don't worry! She's here with me and safe! I don't know when she'll wake up... But we're taking care of her!

[She turns the pokegear to show Rarity on the room's bed, and then back to herself.]

And, Hiro... I hate to ask, but have you found a Houndour for me yet? A fire type would be really helpful against these bugs!

midori asks a lot of questions, camgirl

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