Really, with a title like this one, what can you expect?
Skie's Her Name, Bein' Weird's Her Game [I... I just... no.]
Culprit Author's Name:
SkieLoonCanon: Anime
Name: Skie
Species(es): INSANEANDFUNNEH!Self-insert
Hair Color: "navy blue"
Eye Color: Not mentioned
Markings: "a small x-shaped scar under her right eye"
Possessions: "a gray
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Comments 11
It's also disturbing that she says she's James' girlfriend to make them all go 'OMGWTFBBQ'. I mean... I know dating your cousin isn't taboo in some parts of the world, but...
You know, this makes me think. I had an idea to give James a crazy hippie artist of an uncle he hasn't been in touch with since he ran away from home, and that uncle came equipped with three kids, the youngest of them named after James. Now I wonder if these guys are Sues. I know none of them are OMGSPESHULGOFFS or something, but you can never be too sure with OCs who are family members of canon characters.
This Sue actually isn't that bad. She's just kind of obnoxious, and apparently will end up being someone's twu wuv or something. Eh.
Yeah. Expect that sometime this decade.
No, she's not that bad a Sue, comparatively. The whole 'I'm his girlfriend. Okay, kidding, I'm his cousin' thing freaked me out a little and the way she's talking back to everyone is very, very obnoxious (she reminds me of my 16-year-old sister), but I've definitely seen worse, in your reports and elsewhere.
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