
Dec 24, 2010 17:44

[Christmas. That one time of year where it's described as the most wonderful and the island agrees with that so much. The island LOVES Christmas and today that is evident by the festive laughter everyone can hear that seems to be coming from the ground itself.

Tacky, gaudy red, white, green and gold decorations of all different shapes and sizes adorn every tree, bush and rock. Should you happen to be in the CMA you'll notice that a gigantic (( As in 200 feet tall )) snow-covered fir tree has manifested in the centre of it. Make the most of admiring it; it'll be gone by the end of Sunday.

And if that wasn't enough...

No matter where they are, EVERY Islander will find that they have two presents from the Island. One of them? A festive sweater that is so naff even the trash can is too good for it. The second? Why don't you open it and see?

Unless you are from Team Rocket; your second present will be a jack-in-a-box, only with a boxing glove attached to the end instead of some stupid looking clown... and it DOES succeed in socking you in the mouth. Merry Christmas you jackasses and trust the island, it's not done with you yet...]

(( OOC: What is in the second present is down to you. Something good, something bad, something stupid, something amazing, go crazy! Yes, you can open them!

You're free to mingle as well if you wish, or you can just have your character comment about their presents. Again, that's your decision! ))

user: awesome_island

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