*Cresselia stands in the Central Meeting Area, looking up the sky. There's something a little bit... off about her.*
The full moon has fallen into the shadow of the earth.
...it's beautiful~
(( ooc; SO BASICALLY, there is a lunar eclipse. (Which is
actually happening irl sometime today.) And because the island is the island and Weird Things tend to happen, this is gonna mess some people up.
The general idea is that due to some unknown force/power/idk whatever you want to call it, a "hidden" aspect of your character's personality comes to the surface. You know how it goes - deep deep down there's something in there that's totally different from what they usually are (i.e. Dialga is a total softie or something), and whatever's happening on the island is bringing that side of them out. Whether or not your character is aware of this side of them or not is up to you, as well as whether or not your character notices they're acting differently. If you'd rather not have it just randomly come out without warning, it can be triggered somehow by like, seeing a certain person or something, if you want to go that route. That's totally up to you guys on that one.
As for how long it lasts... well, eclipses in general don't tend to last very long, and real-time is kind of weird in RP land, so anything related to this would ideally be confined to this thread. However, the effects of the eclipse can last until your character wakes up the next morning, if you so desire.
I hope this makes sense. Feel free to ask if you have any questions, and have fun with it~
Cressy here is kind of ... dark. Though she does have a bit of a 'trigger' that... may or may not make itelf apparent depending on whether or not someone in particular shows up. ))