Okay, sure, you can have a proper introduction. :|a

Apr 12, 2011 20:41

[If you're out by the beach today, you may notice a certain Team Aqua boss sitting on a rocky outcropping above the ocean. How he got up there is a mystery. He's throwing pebbles into the water, but it looks like he's looking for something in the distance. Below, his Sharpedo is taking quite the pleasure in chasing after whatever fish Pokemon he can find.]

He's been gone awhile. [The remark is directed at the Sharpedo, and the Pokemon swerves to indicate he heard.] Guess that means...

[His words stop short when he sees something in the distance - something that is clearly a Pokemon. A Tentacruel.] Huh, so they were right. No way off. [Sharpedo zooms out to greet the tired-looking Tentacruel while Archie works his way down the rocks - he's actually pretty good at it and stands in the shallow water for a moment waiting for his Pokemon to return.]

Looks like we're stuck here. It doesn't look good; there's that crazy Maxie runnin' around somewhere, and Adrian's here - Carys will probably show up too, and with my luck, so will Maxie... [Sharpedo and Tentacruel approach and await their orders.] Tch, Kyogre's not even around here. The hell am I supposed to do? Wait it out? I've got better things to do with my time than sit around on this island.

screw the land - i have sea, user: aquaboss, this is serious, looking kinda cool there, character introduction

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