Mar 27, 2011 20:41

the pokémon kink meme II


✘  Pick any pairing, any kink and post anonymously. All combinations of characters and/or pokémon are allowed ( Read more... )

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Base me something on this, anons anonymous June 8 2011, 05:39:21 UTC
I am almost done with this. anonymous July 23 2011, 03:05:09 UTC
It is really long compared to what I originally intended to write and it's barely got any smut in it. I have about 13 pages of material atm. So, sorry. But this is almost done; I just thought I'd pop by and tell you before I post it.


(I would like to present...a Farce.) 1 anonymous July 23 2011, 04:31:59 UTC
Most of this fic is deliberately written to make you feel awkward. I just thought I should let you know that before we start.

“The moment that kid turns 18,” thought Cilan, admiring the tasty, oblivious morsel of jailbait called Ash Ketchum from afar. “I will have his sperm for all three meals.”

“Oh God,” said Iris. “You’re going to jail.” For a moment, he frowned at her, but then she explained, “You said that out loud.”

Whoops. “Iris, I-”

“How can you even think that?!” she hissed. Ash, apparently the bravest of them, was standing across the room checking the windows for one they could escape the mansion through. “He’s...he’s such a little kid! That’s gross“I said I was going to wait until ( ... )


2 anonymous July 23 2011, 04:34:35 UTC
“Those pants make your butt look big,” Cress informed him ( ... )


3 anonymous July 23 2011, 04:36:43 UTC
On the twenty-first of May, Cilan arrived in Pallet Town at the same address as the last and only time he had been there. Ash either still lived with his mother or had come home for his birthday. Both perfectly understandable at the age of eighteen if one was lucky enough to still have parents around. Most things were. He knocked. Delia Ketchum, looking fabulous for a woman of thirty-six, answered the door ( ... )


4 anonymous July 23 2011, 04:41:01 UTC
A few minutes later, they sat on the fence surrounding the extensive lot behind the laboratory of Professors Samuel and Gary Oak, watching thirty Tauros enjoy their dinner. Pikachu, Simisage, and Cilan’s other Pokémon remained in another part of the lot and indoors, with Ash’s other Pokémon. “So how’s my favorite Pokémon Connoisseur?” asked the jailbait. Cilan suspected that for a long time, even after tomorrow, Ash would still look like jailbait. “Still the best Everything Connoisseur around ( ... )


5 anonymous July 23 2011, 04:42:46 UTC

“Oh hi Pikachu!” smiled Cilan. “I just thought I’d wait in Ash’s room until he got out of the--”

“Pika,” said Pikachu. “Pika chu pi pikachu pi Pikapi pika pika.” For some reason, Cilan got the distinct feeling that this meant, I know what you’re planning to do and if any problems arise because of this, I will shock you as hard as I possibly can because I consider Ash my responsibility.

He nodded.

“Pika-chu pi pikachu pika chu pika.” And if you ever hurt him, if you treat him as a casual fling, or if she ever finds out that he isn’t changing his underwear after each round with you, Delia will cut off your genitals and serve them as an appetizer.He nodded again. Pikachu moved aside. Cilan thanked him and went into Ash’s room, closed the door behind him, and exhaled. This wait would be a long one; unless Ash’s habits had changed from their years together he still took marathon showers ( ... )


6 anonymous July 23 2011, 04:44:59 UTC
No help at all. He sighed, pocketed the Xtranceiver, and realized he was sitting on Ash’s bed. The mattress dipped slightly in the middle where the boy usually slept. Cilan decided to try it out. Very comfortable. What all Ash had gotten up, lying here? He smiled at the thought. If he looked, he could probably find...how unsurprising, lubricant and a couple of highly questionable magazines hidden under some innocent magazines about Pokémon (of course) in the drawer of his bedside table. Ash was either too dense to hide them somewhere creative, or hid them in an obvious place thinking his mother, if she looked, would not suspect them of being there ( ... )


7 anonymous July 23 2011, 04:48:33 UTC
“I found your pictures.”

“You came here a day early on purpose, didn’t you.” They had spoken at the same time.

“Yes,” said Cilan.

“I think I sorta knew, or maybe I just...hoped.”


“I met a lot of people when I was traveling,” said Ash. “I’ve thought about them all, but...you’re the only one I haven’t been able to stop thinking about ( ... )


8 anonymous July 23 2011, 04:52:33 UTC
He did not entirely realize what had happened until he finished swallowing. Shaking with the rush, he pulled himself crossways onto Ash’s bed and the two of them lay side by side, gazing at each other. The word gazing Cilan would leave out when he told his brothers of his adventure in Kanto. If he bothered to try, Cilan could probably find a romance novel with a cover featuring its protagonists in this position...or very politely ask Shauntal of the Elite Four to write one...

“Are you gonna sleep here?” Ash asked hopefully. Cilan nodded. He had to help him between the sheets. They had been there a minute or so when Ash said, “Hey, wait, what about you?”

“I took care of myself before you came in, remember?” He smiled. “I’m fine. Happy birthday, Ash.”

“Thank you Cilan,” he slurred, his face smushed against the Connoisseur's chest. “That was the best present ever. Can we do it again tomorrow ( ... )


9 anonymous July 23 2011, 04:55:38 UTC
“Hi, Cilan!” Iris had grown into a young woman, but like Ash undergone little change of personality.

“Hello, Iris,” he purred. “Guess where I am. Use your sixth sense.”

“It doesn’t work like tha-”

“I’m in Pallet Town!” he said. “Where we’ll all be to celebrate Ash’s birthday tomorrow! And guess what I just ate!”

“I told you, it doesn’t work like tha- waaaaaait a minute...ewww...EWWWWWW! CILAN I THOUGHT WE FORGOT ABOUT THAT! THAT’S GROSS!”

Rather than risk somebody hearing him, Cilan turned down the volume on his Xtranceiver. “Since we both remember, we apparently didn’t forget. I have won, Iris!”

“N-no you haven’t!” said Iris. “You said all three meals!”

“The bet was that I would have Ash before the morning of his eighteenth birthday.”

“Define had!” Iris insisted. “Before that, you said the moment he turned eighteen you would have his sperm for all three meals. That’s not even possible. You can’t have three meals in the moment somebody turns eighteen. But I know what you meant. Freak.Freak? For what, deriving pleasure from ( ... )


Re: 9 anonymous July 23 2011, 20:12:10 UTC
Probably shouldn't have giggled quite as much as I did.


Re: 9 anonymous July 23 2011, 21:13:03 UTC
A- Anon, I think I’m in love with you.

Iris and Cilan making bets involving Ash’s ass, the hilarious quick summary of the Shadow Triad identity and redemption, the legendary incompatibility between ‘Ash Ketchum’ and ‘growing up’, Delia’s lines being full of double-entendre, Cilan/Ash, Cress/Chili, BREADROOM, Pikachu protecting its buddy, Shauntal as a famous porn writer, Cilan stuttering like his game counterpart, Cilan being his exuberant freak self… and the theatrical dimension given by exaggerations and Cilan being Cilan (and of the Evil Schemer type ( ... )


Writeanon anonymous July 24 2011, 01:32:01 UTC
I'm not sure if there's more. There's a prompt asking for Ash and Cilan's awkward first time, so the potential for more is there, but I haven't decided yet.

I try to put my Cilan about halfway between the English and Japanese versions (which aren't really that different excluding the voice; he gradually gets wackier as the episodes goes on and we're just not far enough in the West to see it in my opinion) and use elements from both the game. The short, simple version is that regardless of how Cilan acts the rest of the time, if someone Cilan is attracted to shows attraction to him, for lack of a better word dominance, or asserts himself in that way, Cilan will revert what we see in the games. In my head, when he does this he sounds more like Jason Griffith. When he's being what I've seen called "Captain Crazy," he sounds more like Mamoru Miyano.


OP anonymous August 1 2011, 13:02:47 UTC
Oh my GOD. I thought this would never be filled and now it has been and oh god it's PERFECT. I love you so much.

...breadroom. XD


writeanon anonymous August 1 2011, 19:31:14 UTC
Well I tried hard for ya. :)



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