Wonderful weekend . . . last week

Oct 07, 2005 18:42

I started writing this post on Monday. It's now Friday. Been a heck of a week.
I am very tired, but happy. I have much to say. I'll try to organize it in some sort of reasonably coherent fashion, but I can't make any promises ( Read more... )

joss whedon, fandoms, firefly, movies, neil gaiman

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Comments 10

okkitten October 8 2005, 00:43:42 UTC
I don't really think the Reavers were so much unified as "hey lets all just hang out here and see who's ship has the most skulls on it" Plus when the actual battle commences it all goes back to the show line "if we run, they'll have to chase us, it's their way" they're not all saying to each other "hey lets get 'em!" they're all saying "hey, lets beat all the other guys to 'em!"

wow, I said "hey lets" a lot in there. Yeah, I'm tired. Anyway, great review, makes me very happy ^_^


pointedview October 8 2005, 03:46:21 UTC
Oh, I forgot to say that I thought Nathan, Gina, Adam, and Chiwetel Ejiofor were particularly good. I mean, they were all good, but their performances stood out for me.

I can sort of see that idea of the Reavers. More like a gang realizing that they're stronger together than separate, that they'd get picked off on their own? Kind of like a wolf pack, but not that organized?

*beams* I am especially glad that you enjoyed the read, and that you commented, 'cause I know you understand exactly where I'm coming from.


epicureanangel October 8 2005, 02:47:00 UTC
This would be the same Melting Pot that has branches all over the US wouldn't it? I didn't know that they had secret menu fondues! I have to ask the next time I go. I love that place.

And while I am not a browncoat, I respect your dedication to it all, and am glad that I enjoyed the movie as much as I did. Also, I never mentioned it, but Brent also has the Firefly DVDs and it is because of him that I saw the movie in the first place.


Thank you pointedview October 8 2005, 03:37:32 UTC
It would indeed be that Melting Pot! I never knew about those fondues until this past weekend. Like you, I love it, too.

Thanks very much for the kind words about my dedication. I am relieved that I do not come off as a crazy person (or maybe I do, and you're sloooowly backing away with a 'nice doggie'). :) I'm positively mild compared to some of the 'coats out there.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. I would sincerely and genuinely feel bad if you had hated it.

I'm still curious about the plot element you had issue with: was it the same as mine? And I look forward to hearing what you think of the series (which is funnier than the movie, BTW) if you decide to watch a little more of it. It definitely provides some context for Mal and Inara. "Out of Gas" is a particular fave in our household.

Clearly your man has good taste in cancelled TV shows. *winks playfully*


Re: Thank you epicureanangel October 18 2005, 19:19:20 UTC
I am relieved that I do not come off as a crazy person (or maybe I do, and you're sloooowly backing away with a 'nice doggie').

I've always enjoyed reading your posts. It's only been now that I have anything relevant to contribute in comments :)

As for the plot element, it's just that the deployment of the pax seems, premature. Perhaps I'm thinking too realistically, but surely, given the amount of medical testing they appear to be running on River, something like the pax would have been tested on humans before being deployed full-scale, which would have surely turned up one of the 2 clear results.

Clearly your man has good taste in cancelled TV shows

Heh.. yes. But seriously, since I don't watch TV, he deserves a lot of credit for "new" entertainent for me, Firefly, Buffy, Scrubs. He tried to get me to watch Lost, but the first episode was too much for my squeamishness.


twr October 8 2005, 23:12:39 UTC
I saw Serenity the Friday night that it opened and dragged a friend who hadn't even seen an episode of Firefly to go see it.

I don't see many movies in the theater because usually I'd rather go out and have a few beers with some friends. But Serenity was well worth seeing. I certainly hope that we'll get to have sequals.


jasondemotte October 11 2005, 01:32:51 UTC
You know a lot of browncoats have felt defeated after the lack of success of Serenity. But like Joss says, the fact that we got a film at all makes us mighty, and nothing can take that from us.


pointedview October 12 2005, 16:42:03 UTC
I'll admit that it's bugging me a little after seeing the shortfall on the second weekend, because I'm afraid that it's not going to get a sequel at this rate. But, as my mother says, all we can do is all we can do, and I'll definitely go see it again this weekend.


soulsong October 22 2005, 17:07:44 UTC
Sorry to hop onto an old thread, but when someone mentions Serenity it's hard to resist. For what it's worth I came here via sailormur's journal and prior to that her ishouldbewriting podcast ( ... )


pointedview October 26 2005, 01:58:53 UTC
Hello! Thank you for stopping by.

Regarding Mr. Universe, it's my understanding from mumpish that he's a Wash connection. Specifically, they apparently went to flight school together. There's more to it than that, but I think it's in the novelization of the film.

How is the RPG?


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