Wonderful weekend . . . last week

Oct 07, 2005 18:42

I started writing this post on Monday. It's now Friday. Been a heck of a week.
I am very tired, but happy. I have much to say. I'll try to organize it in some sort of reasonably coherent fashion, but I can't make any promises ( Read more... )

joss whedon, fandoms, firefly, movies, neil gaiman

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soulsong October 22 2005, 17:07:44 UTC
Sorry to hop onto an old thread, but when someone mentions Serenity it's hard to resist. For what it's worth I came here via sailormur's journal and prior to that her ishouldbewriting podcast.

Anyway, Serenity.

Was there anything I didn't like. I'm a total browncoat so it might be hard... but... Mr Universe? Where did that come from? A lovebot? I dunno, having Mal respect such a person is just weird. In fact, a geek in the 'verse is just weird, period. Seemed to me like a throwback to Buffy with Jonathan et al. Now, in Buffy it worked. In Serenity? Not so much.

Still, can't complain too much. The rest of the show was mighty. The deaths were astonishing, Zoe's reaction perfect, River's danced slaughter quite a beauty, the resolution glorious. I'll be buying the dvd obviously, to go along with the rpg, the visual guide, the CD, novelisation and graphic novel - when it's released.

Joss could hardly fail the browncoats, because he's the ultimate fanboy, and he just loves it like we do. I often wonder what it must be like for someone to see the movie on its own, without any of the yearning that comes from watching the tv eps with religious conviction. And I often wonder to myself why I fell in love with the 'verse. I saw it from the start, loved it without question, didn't know why; Kaylee, I think, at first. Such a role model for me. Then I realised that this was a show about freedom, about escaping the dull, grey meaningless safety of civilisation and putting yourself on the razor's edge where everything's hard but people look out for each other, because it's the only way to stay alive.

I'm sure there are those as can't understand why anyone would hate the alliance so much as Mal, after all it's an enlightened democracy bringing civilisation and comfort to all... but at the expense of everything that makes someone like Mal what he is - a man who knows exactly what a gilded cage is and would rather die before going anywhere near one. The Operative will kill to create a perfect world of comfortable cages. In our world, how few are those who will not submit?


pointedview October 26 2005, 01:58:53 UTC
Hello! Thank you for stopping by.

Regarding Mr. Universe, it's my understanding from mumpish that he's a Wash connection. Specifically, they apparently went to flight school together. There's more to it than that, but I think it's in the novelization of the film.

How is the RPG?


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