Never has a pilot been so AWESOME! Never have I know Every Single Character in Real Life. Never have I forgotten to finish such a great series! I vow to finish before the Ides of April
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The February Doldrums. You know, wondering what to do with my life. Feeling stuck. Thinking there's not much I can change/control until summer (when I have no idea how I will manage to make money for about 4 months - eek
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(but not quite yet, I am actually looking forward to more time daydreaming about it! Having something to look forward to for such a long time is 45% of the fun!)
What does one do to deal with stress if one were to stop stress eating? I have already tried/rejected smoking, coffee, alcohol, and casual sex. What else is there?
What makes effective Christian eduction? As in, effective training to be a Christian, not eduction on lots of things that happens to have a christian slant.