Merlin: The Hunt

Jun 11, 2012 00:00

Text: The Hunt by
Reader: erica_schall
Cover Artist: helva2260
Beta Listener: cecilegrey
Fandom: Merlin (BBC)
Ship: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
Rating: Explicit

Summary: "Those Pendragons, they're a different sort. Beastly, but clever. It's said they're drawn to magic-to power-and that's how they find their... mate."

MP3 [85 MB, 01:36:31]
Podbook [45 MB, 01:36:31]

Podfic Post: LiveJournal
Art Post: LiveJournal

Artist's Notes: I might just possibly be a complete sucker for Beltane Hunt fics, and there aren’t anywhere near enough of them in the Merlin fandom, so when I saw this was on the Big Bang list of projects, I may possibly - just possibly! - have squeaked with excitement and stayed up 'til a ridiculous time in the morning so that I could overcome the handicap of being in the wrong timezone and claim it for my project before anyone else had the chance…What do you mean, that’s a little obsessive?

Artist's Credits:
  • Merlin’s Keep for their wonderful collection of promo photos and (hopefully returning soon) screencaps galleries;
  • Merimask, whose gorgeous hand-crafted leather masks are totally drool-worthy;
  • Rick W. Mueller for creating the Edison MF font;
  • FontGrube AH for creating the Jorvik Informal font.

Crossposted to

podfic: 01-02 hours, & projects: round 2 (2012), fandom: merlin

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