American Idol RPF: Wolf & Fox

May 13, 2011 11:03

Wolf & Fox
(read text)
written by
performed by eosrose
cover design by anathema64
recording beta'd by adamaddict_rh
podbook compiled by eosrose

|| American Idol RPF || Adam/Kris || Explicit || 5:32:17||

When the full moon comes, Kris Allen finds himself transforming into a fox, after an attack earlier that day by what he thought to be a rabid fox. Injured and confused, the tiny fox is picked up by a couple members of the local werewolf pack as a chewtoy gift for their Alpha, Adam Lambert. But when Adam lays eyes on the little ball of fluff, he decides to keep him instead...

  • MP3 (287.14 MB)

  • M4B (196.92 MB)
Reader's Notes

This is the longest story I ever podfic'd and I'm really proud of the way it turned out. I'm pretty sure I put about 30 hours of work into this (maybe more) so here's to hoping it doesn't disappoint anyone!
Designer's Notes

I fell in love with this fic the first time I read it, and now I'm just even more in love. This is probably my favorite cover art I've ever gotten to make (how often do you have a reason to make a manip of a fox and wolf playing, really?) so hopefully everyone else enjoys it just as much.

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fandom: american idol rpf, & projects: round 1 (2011)

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