My Chemical Romance RPF: This Never Happened

May 14, 2011 00:14

This Never Happened
( read text)
written by bexless
performed by podklb
cover design by aneas
sound design by bessyboo
recording beta'd by belleweatherswiiftly

|| My Chemical Romance RPF || Frank/Gerard || Explicit || 3:13:33||

High school AU not!fic where Frank moves in with the Ways for his senior year.

    Music-Enhanced Version

  • MP3 (178.26 MB)

  • M4B (174.73 MB)

  • Music-Free Version

  • MP3 (166.9 MB, 3:05:31)

  • M4B (134.54 MB, 3:05:31)
Reader's Notes

This is my first podfic of a notfic, and it was very fun (and sometimes very challenging) to make. I love this story and have been wanting to record it for ages-it's silly and fun and sweet and sexy and totally hilarious. It's a high school AU and can be understood without prior knowledge of bandom. Enjoy!
Designer's Notes

This was far more rushed than I would ideally like for it to be due to RL interference, so I apologize if it's not as polished as it could be. For a full list of sound effect sources and songs, see my journal post.

You may provide feedback for participants in response to this post or on participants' personal journals; however, any feedback for the author must be given in response to the original text-the author is unlikely to see your comments here.

& projects: round 1 (2011), fandom: bandom

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