Note on Art-Only Submissions and the Bonus Round

May 15, 2011 17:36

Art-only projects

At this point the projects list below will be posted as art-only submissions to the challenge as no accompanying podfics have been received. If you believe this to be in error and you have submitted an accompanying podfic, please give me a shout. I've been receiving and sending out a lot of messages lately; it's possible your submission was lost in the shuffle.
  • Perfect Day
  • Rapture
  • Just a Little Bent
  • Ten Thousand Miles
  • The Request
  • The Anti-Kink Series
  • Indelible
  • Sweeter Dreams

Art-Only projects are tentatively set to go live on Wednesday. This may change if I receive late podfic submissions in time to upload them onto the site on Tuesday.
Late podfic submissions

I will continue to accept late podfic submissions even after the art-only submissions go live.
Bonus Round

After some consideration, the Bonus Round podfics will be posted the day AFTER the art-only submissions go up.

admin: mod post

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